
Overwhelming respone? Get serious. I live in the middle of America and work for a place that is filled with conservative and white Christians (people I disagree with on nearly every topic), and I’ve literally seen or heard one person I know have any issue with Beoynce’s song/performance. The skit is funny, but the

Look, I wouldn’t see the skit or read this story and feel compelled on my own to comment #notallwhitepeople, but the fact is, so much of what gets the most airplay on Fox News or Twitter or whatever forum for generating outrage and clicks, is not necessarily the overwhelming response in terms of what large amounts of

Oh PLEASE enough already with the Beyonce Super Bowl gibberish. “White America” my ass, a handful of conservative noodniks do not speak for “White America” because they were upset with her background dancer’s frigging hats. She crouched, thrusted, jiggled, wiggled and gyrated exactly the same way as she always does,

Actually, *some* white people went into defense mode. Given that 249 million Americans identify as white I think the general consensus to the video was no one gave a flying fuck. Don’t believe twitter or the media as representing any one single race of people.

He is just a guy with a different opinion and his views may be strange and inappropriate to you (and me in some respect), but he is not a “trollbeast” as suggested.
Discussing and explaining why you disagree always makes the world a better place imho.
Hurling insults and claiming that “those people wont get it anyway”

I recall George Lucas talking about his film Redtails - which nobody paid to go and see. Redtails is about an all black squadron of fighter aces in WW2. It’s pretty low budget and It’s made of prime Lucas cheese, but it’s a hoot.

Its nice to FINALLY see the writers admit that the nomination list not all white, just nearly. As a Mexican, I am very happy to hear that people are talking about other races, not just white and black and calling it diversity. Quite often Latinos and other races are glossed over as viable candidates. People say that

I’m sure jlaw makes bank on Hunger Games. Where she is the star. The fact is in Amicab Hustle, she was NOT and IS NOT a star on the same level of box office draw as Christian Bale.

You must be fucking high. There are literally suicides bombs daily in many parts of the muslim world. Isis alone likely commits more Islamic terrorism (onto other muslims) in a month than all Christian terrorists commit in a year.