
You really need to take a deep look at yourself. Even now after spewing all your hatred (no different than the right) you’re trying to justify your actions, you are trying to “humanize” yourself. You have some issues. Why don’t you try and see everyone as an individual and that includes white people as well as brown

How do you know she doesn’t?

The ruling was rescinded and the baby was returned. So your proof that Christian Sharia reigns supreme is false. I feel horrible these two women had to go through this ordeal because I cannot imagine having my baby taken from me but there is no Christian Sharia law and to juxtapose a practice of Islam with

Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian Terrorist. Of the examples of terrorism on your link only 6 of the ten mention Christianity. Those 6 incidents amounted to 10 deaths. And all but one of those 6 incidents were 20 years ago. I missed the reference to that rabid Colorado Fundamentalists group you mentioned.

Yes, I remember when they killed all those people in Denver who were just going to a concert and of course their beheading videos and the time they burned a man alive. Didn’t they drown people too? Oh and blowing up the airplanes. Those Colorado Christian fundamentalists are terrible people.

Nagaland number is 900 not 9,000 - not that 900 is acceptable but it’s not 9,000.

I’m not following you. You said you used one example (which I’m assuming are the abortion not-so frequent bombings) but that’s not the end of all the Christian terrorists? And you compare the Christian terrorist with that the Muslim terrorists in America it’s about that same in scope? Am I forgetting some huge

So your definition of frequent is 2 times in 2015, none in 2014, once in 2013? And can you please mention all those non-rare death threats that Christians are apparently doing in the U.S. that you said in an earlier post? Just because you use words like frequent and non-rare does not make it true.