I think it’s kind of disturbing that we’re talking about the women instead of their male relatives.
I think it’s kind of disturbing that we’re talking about the women instead of their male relatives.
(Though, being a slow starter, I owed only $7 in tax that year.)
It’s like people are racing to tell you how fucking stupid they are.
You know, I do criticize academia for being elitist and ostracizing POC a lot of the time, but goddam these people show so much hostility toward education and educated folks. The reading comprehension level is embarrassing - it’s the equivalent of plugging your ears with you fingers and going “lalalalala, I can’t hear…
You know, the one good thing about this election is that it has made it very, very easy to spot the racists and perverts since they’re basically walking around with placards declaring their repugnance.
“I wore a blue shirt once. It had a collar. That’s what that means, right? I don’t get what the big deal is.”
Also, oh my sweet jesus, what the hell does Bill Clinton’s record have to do with Hillary’s campaign? Newsflash, everyone: a woman is not her husband. STFU.
Twice, in the past 3 days, I’ve had people tell me “It was an inside job!”
I hate myself for it, but I can’t be the only asshole that thought of a butt joke with that headline.
Yes, I am sure ONE MORE investigation will really crack the case.
It’s not everyday that legendary singer-songwriters dedicate a piece of music to rotten tanner-saturated gourds, but…
Oh, no, he’s gonna show. He’s pissed off and ready to rumble in all his righteous pissed-offness. He thinks that bringing up Bill’s bad behavior of 20 years ago is going to just blast Hillary into oblivion. He probably can’t wait for tonight. Poor, deluded narcissistic fool.
Surprised Burnett has draconian NDAs that protect Trump? Nope
“To all the women who heard Trump’s comments and are still voting for him: My babies. Your brain broke. I love you but bish you cray”.
My nieces actually ask my sister why Trump touches his daughter in “the no no box.”
Let’s be clear, men do not talk the way Trump talks. At best adolescent teen boys may talk like that, not grown men last the age of 25. Any defense that this is just guy talk is very wrong and inaccurate. I am a guy and I don’t talk like this, literally no guys I know talk like that. Normal people do not talk like…