
Hipsters would absolutely LOVE wrapped “American Singles”, simply for the name. Go beyond that that each one is an individual single, and not beholden to the block cheese mentality, and Kraft slices are a hipster orgasm.

Still not cheese.

Hipsters would absolutely LOVE wrapped “American Singles”, simply for the name. Go beyond that that each one is an

Kraft is not real cheese. The egg is highly suspect as well.

Kraft is not real cheese. The egg is highly suspect as well.

Can you give a breakdown on the dishes that we would not be using?

Can you give a breakdown on the dishes that we would not be using?

Honestly, that is actually part of the problem. Overall, government employees like their jobs just fine, and are comfortable with them, liking the worker protections that still exist in that sector. Then, though, you have people like this one. The private sector simply doesn’t put up with this nonsense. Do your job or

I think I speak for all of us when I ask that you do a write up of every candidate, what they wear to bed, and how they cry and whimper when they are hiding.

God, please let this be one of those times when you see fit to drain the bank accounts of the entire government of Texas.

Calling bullshit on Amazon. That PNY SSD I happened to have in my cart and almost bought it yesterday. It was $159 yesterday. Today it is $199.

Calling bullshit on Amazon. That PNY SSD I happened to have in my cart and almost bought it yesterday. It was $159

I honestly didn’t want to bring race into it, pretty much for exactly this reason. Sigh. Of course there are going to be incidents of problems. It shouldn’t be a surprise they can be racially motivated. All I was saying is that in general, campus cops see a lot more intoxicated people, and tend to go easier. That

It’s Iowa City. A college town. Police in those towns tend to see a lot of fucked up college kids, and in general don’t make them miserable, unless the kid is really being a problem.

No problem with having the govt pay for it, that is fine. However, I would say the least disruptive way would be for the company to pay, and have the govt reimburse. That way their is no interruption of paychecks why the govt process.

If we are going to mandate something better for the people, than at least attempt to

Here is the point he was making: If every employee of every company has paid medical leave, then it evens out in the long term. If you leave company a after 5 years, go to company b, get preggers and pop within 9 months, it won’t matter because they would have gotten the same time off at a different job. The new job

Because he probably did. Always look for the simple answer and save the headache.

Not that I am a fan of trumps, but what parent in their right mind would let their kids watch that debate to be put in a position to explain it at all?

Umm, he’s a guy. Laugh at his penis, that will shut him up instantly.

Maybe it’s just me....why don’t we let all the gun nuts carry as many guns as they want. Then we throw a “Gun Owner Pride” event in a football stadium. During the event, they are allowed to drink as much beer as they want, and guns are REQUIRED to be loaded, and it is hot as shit in the stadium. After they are good

Can I get in on this? I LOVE NAPPING.

It’s a matter of your own comfort, not the kids. Kids bounce, and if parents are good with their own bodies, the kids will be okay with theirs.

Our daughters are 11 and 9, and have exactly zero body consious issues. In fact, they really aren’t even close to fashionistas either and are happy enough as long as they have

My wife got me a Trophy Husband shirt. I fucking love it.

I like growing mushrooms, so I am going with that. Get your minds out of the gutter. Peanuts, sheesh.

Going to comment again....I’m in Iowa. No one gives a shit that this is a thing. EXCEPT, of course, the nutbags in the State House and the Governor.