Um, with no Republican sponsors, it isn’t going anywhere.
Um, with no Republican sponsors, it isn’t going anywhere.
I don’t understand spermicide. I mean, if you are going to put it in the cup thing to kill the little things, then why don’t manufacturers just make a lube out of it and make it simple for everyone?
I honestly have no idea why old white men are so hell bent on making contraception so incredibly difficult for not only…
As I enjoyed a family 4th, my MIL decided to break out the “I’m voting for Trump” card. As people regained their composure and asked her why on earth she would do that, the response was along the lines of “Because he is a business man, and seems smart.”
After more stunned silence, the responses letting her know that…
I would like one order of the Lusty Jerky please.
The privileged can buy a first class plane ticket and shut the fuck up about space.
So you would feel sympathy for Paris Hilton if her dog had to ride coach instead of first class? Because that is what you are saying.
Not what I said at all, but you go on with your bad self.
Oh, you mean a website made a generic headline attention grabbing, when it was really a very SMALL subset, and a privileged one at that, just to get clicks? I find that hard to believe.
My guess is it’s not about women in general, it’s about these in particular, athletes, who get paid marginally well, and have people helping them. It comes across as complaining about a small dinner plate when you have won a small lottery jackpot.
It’s not that people aren’t sympathetic, it’s that they aren’t…
It’s really annoying how the press is ignoring, but quietly mentioning, the larger crowds, and higher polling there is out there about Sanders.
I really hope this was sarcasm. Not the gun part, so much as the complete ignorance of the candidate.
Wife and I work from home. Not a problem, and here is why: we work in separate parts of the house where we can’t see each other.
From time to time my wife wonders when it will end.
You’re boyfriend should do a Q/A, AMA, or something like that to tell people how much these free games are designed to just suck money or personal data.
I’m trying to come up with something funny, but I really can’t. Can it be disproved? Well, it depends on what you believe in. Is it a theory, or a nut-bag spewing nothing? Again, depends on what you believe.
I believe there is a separation of church and state. And if a politician wants to bring God into anything, they…
Oh cool. Can I be Nordic? I’ve always wanted to be tall, blond, handsome with an accent. I will settle for asian, but feel like I would be getting the short end of the stick.
I 100% believe there is no way this was agreed upon without being completely stoned and saying “oh, you know what would be hilarious? We should make a lifetime movie together, but be SERIOUS!!!!”
OMG a gay republican? What are the chances?
Is it just me or does Walker just LOOK incredibly stupid overall?
Hell, I’m from Iowa, and I don’t get it. What?