An errant employee accidentally sold the glowing vat of life restoring liquid hidden beneath a Toys r Us during a liquidation sale. Talia is going to be pissed.
An errant employee accidentally sold the glowing vat of life restoring liquid hidden beneath a Toys r Us during a liquidation sale. Talia is going to be pissed.
Translation: “The kids who want these cars can’t afford them, so we can’t justify development costs of adding another option. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go work on the automatic for the new Supra.”
Looks like they’ve changed their tune... that you?
Make them in a crock pot. Might take longer, but your direct involvement will be less.
Or it’s a TV show reference you didn’t get.
Please refer to them as BNL. That’s how fundamental they are.
If you hated SAO then might I suggest SAO Abridged? It basically fixes all the major problems with the first season. Plus they actually give Kayaba a reason for why he trapped everyone in the game rather than have him say he “doesn’t remember.”.
But will it let me slay Sheeptar The Sheep King?
I will never not giggle at this
pretty sure this will be on Phillip Rivers tombstone
Fucking Nnnnnn Peppermint Roll
Don’t you fucking tease me like that! I’m stuck in freaking San Antonio Texas and would gladly trade any 50 Whataburgers for just one Lotaburger in this god-forsaken hole.
If it took you five minutes to read that article, the three neurons you lost are the least of your worries.
Hot whiskey take coming
God, him and the boobs.
“What do you do in my body?”
“I touch your boobs in your bedroom. What do you do in mine?”
“I’m charming the pants off of the woman you work with. Pretty sure she’ll marry me in six months. BTW, she asked me to see a movie with her, a disaster film about a town being hit by an asteroid piece,…
I insist A) that Pluto is a planet, and B) that Uranus’s unfortunate name is canceled out by its cool sideways-ness and by how it is usually rendered in a sinister greenish color.
He wrote, oblivious of the irony