Well, yeah. Just being mass murderers defending a millenarian, pseudo-scientific, genocidal ideology doesn’t make them the same.
Well, yeah. Just being mass murderers defending a millenarian, pseudo-scientific, genocidal ideology doesn’t make them the same.
Yeah, Lee killed way more americans then Hitler did.
Gotta make sure them youths remember not to become Confederate generals or they’ll get an elementary school named after them. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah. . .
So unfair! All your working out and steamed vegetables and still no one likes you! And everyone liked her.
Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.
Great post. If I can add a corroboration, I was born before the MMR was available, and my mom caught rubella while she was pregnant with me. I am what happens when you avoid the MMR vaccine.
The answer to your questions are:
Well, good. Wakefield can go peddle his double-down propaganda piece on fringe cruises and to the tinfoil-hat crowd. The Tribeca Film Festival risked their reputation screening this dreck, and it seems that finally sank in.
Nobody said “pretending”, but then you go on to talk about people pretending. Got it.
The fact is none of these perpetrators were transgender. So your links are essentially meaningless.
1. I’m a guy and never at any point thought it would be smart to challenge this quote or whatever it is you’re doing because I see enough truth in it to leave it be.
there is less chance of being involved any violent crime today, as there was in the 1960’s