
“If we named things after those who we want to remember so that we don’t make their mistakes, we’d have more buildings named after Hitler and Bush around these parts.”

Lol, perfect. I love the idea that having a school named after you is some sort of public shaming.

I think there are some people who love to publicly insert themselves into things to feel important and make it about them somehow. I don’t think that’s always the case, of course, and should probably be evaluated on a case by case basis.

I more or less agree with you. If you are a friend/acquaintance or fellow famous person, but don’t know him well enough to call him (or probably text in the immediate aftermath), either don’t involve yourself, send flowers or try to get his email address from your agent or something. I think it’s fine for fans to do

Unusual to die unexpectedly at that age. Expect an autopsy but aside from her interest in true crime is there any other reason to expect foul play? Not sure how to say it delicately, but my initial wild speculation without any more info about her health/medical history would be suicide or drugs (even more so during

During your 18 years of research you have found evidence for something which has already been scientifically disproven? Do share.

You know what women watched their children die of before vaccines? Diseases.

Yep. Let’s kill 80% of men (with a virus). That’s a perfect way to preserve human rights!

“How am I supposed to do my part to prevent this from happening again?”

Not warts (unfortunately).