Can’t tell if troll or just dumb
Can’t tell if troll or just dumb
Do you remember during the campaign, the faux Bernie Bro commenter who would always start out with roughly:
Dammit, this one’s almost as great as your Coal Country piece. They should give you a full column on this fucking site cause you’re the only person with any talent writing here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re my hero. Don’t stop doing this.
real question: are you Emma Sulkowicz?
Monet was a fucking “finger painter and watercolorer”, dude.
Did you know that over 2/3 of Gaza’s population are refugees who were victims of Israeli ethnic cleansing? They were forced off the land in 47/48 through a combination of massacres, terrorism and forced deportation, targeted for a crime against humanity because they were Arab. That’s what this protest is about; these…
All art IS NOT activism (and shouldn’t be, but that’s another matter). Think of your OWN definitions of art and activism (whatever they may be) and you’ll see that’s clearly not the case.
This made me chuckle.
“I think she’s one of the more talented artists to come out of America in decades.”
LOL no it’s not. What are you talking about and where are you getting that from?
Pretty interesting that you can’t tell the difference between artistic value and political value.
I thought it was good activism, but crappy, ham-fisted and overly literal art. It’s like she took a symbol and beat you over the head with it, screaming “Get it?! Did you get it?!”.
I guess I never thought about that, but yeah most dealers are men. I didn’t feel like a real full-fledged drug dealer because it was just weed. I never sold anything else. I was in my 20's, so it was :::gulp:: over 20 years ago. I was the personal dealer to a famous actors dad. One of my few claims to fame, lol.
Like I said, she’s a good activist. I understand appreciating what she is doing from a political standpoint.
She’s a TERRIBLE artist. She should just be a full time activist instead, that’s clearly where her talent lies.
Now that is a real life concern that we all should be thinking about. Props to you for having the guts to voice it.