October 26, 1947 (age 70)

Randy Quaid is Canadian...

She had mad credentials and her resume was straight fire. Can’t believe she lost.

Thank you. Maybe I’ll go back to the tomato theme. You all are just too good at spotting it these days.

Who tf is Modus Operandi?

Should have known this would happen. You Bernie Bois are absolutely incapable of introducing new concepts into your tiny, impossibly rigid brains.

(Plague Lover on the internet sticking up for dangerous poisons)

Typical Bernie Boi wants someone else to do his work for him.

Flu, Measles, Smallpox, Mumps, pretty much every DTap vaccine... etc etc

No need to conflate useless and in many cases dangerous vaccines with the anti-abortion nuts. Two separate issues that should be treated as such.

That’s pretty disappointing. No, I didn’t read it. I don’t have the time right now.


That is literally exactly what I said.


“In an era defined by stupidity, the smart ones will be called stupid.”

No but I guarantee you we are on the same page about this. She’s not a huge fan of social media and you’ll see that in her next piece which tons of people are already calling brilliant and maybe her best work yet so stay tuned.

It sounds like you really don’t want to agree with me but can’t help yourself. Guess I take it as a compliment honestly.

Wow. Now this is a long article. Bookmarked and saved for I will read it later tonight. I simply do not have the time to do so right now.

Art savvy intellectuals mostly.

Maybe for like fingerpainting and watercoloring or whatever. Listen I am really trying to be open minded about people not appreciating Emma’s art and political philosophy but we’re getting into territory that is making me seriously uncomfortable.

Ok, but you didn’t take into account that my healthcare costs come directly from my paycheck. Also, I doubt it’s this simple. You have to understand that the more middlemen you involve the pricier things get. So if I give the same $100 in taxes to the goverment that I used to hand over to the insurance guys, the