
I think her point was that she was 7th in line to direct Selma, so she barely got her chance; and this dude was basically handed 150MM off the bat without a proven track record at that budget level. She fought for 20MM and thought it was a huge responsibility- and in comparison to 150MM it feels like peanuts.

This makes me love Ava DuVernay even more. She is so amazing and talented and uses her power for good.

Fuck you for perpetuating this bullshit.

his tailor probably wishes for less vaughn

Trump’s campaign is attempting to normalize his behavior, and WanderingScout challenged that concept. It’s not normal, it’s not ok, and it’s unacceptable for a campaign to tell the American public that bragging about sexual assault is either normal or ok.

Are you implying that because he served in the military he likely raped someone?

I think he’s using the term “misandrist” in the sense that the patriarchy/rape culture negatively affects BOTH men and women, which is something not everyone always thinks about. It doesn’t seem like he’s trying to detract from the fact that women have been long suffering from sexist bullshit. It’s not a zero-sum game.

I played sports in high school, and we did not talk that way about women in the locker room.

Isn’t unusual that there are only Democratic leaks? Now I am not Russian to judgment. It just seems strange and I can’t quite putin my finger on why.

Don’t bother. This was the last straw. It’s headed for the border and it’s not coming back.

I understand the ex-Gawker Thiel hate, but for every ounce of hate they have for him, they should hold as much contempt for AJ Daulerio who acted like a petulant child during the case and walked right into Thiel’s plan by portraying himself as the exact kind of disgusting tabloid reporter people seem to hate. If he

Trevor Noah nailed this one perfectly: there is a massive difference between using obscene language to talk about your totally consensual sexual experiences and talking about sexually assaulting someone. Is the first one kinda shitty, depending on the situation? Yea. Do your friends probably want you to shut up

Yikes, I hate Trump as much as the next guy but what is breaking one of the most sacrosanct J-School rules really going to do? What could possibly scare off his nutjob supporters? A tape of him dropping n-bombs? Please. His supporters have at least met a woman before.

Boy, good thing Gwynneth’s Dad told her she was an asshole and needs to cut it out 17 years ago. If he hadn’t, I’d imagine she’d be completely pretentious and insufferable, and hypothetically doing something ridiculous like ....... running some sort of......I dunno..... weirdly crunchy , yet incredibly expensive and

Actually I think the sign meant “it was better to be a rapist than a woman”

Charles Johnson was there briefly but left when he saw what Shkreli had described as “the cool shit all over the walls.”

I’ve never even contemplated grabbing a woman by the vagina, but this is a majora issue!

Gently but with steely determination and a good manicure and, most importantly, with explicit fucking permission.

I can’t really imagine that in even the most mutual, long term, consensual relationship being “grabbed by the pussy” is a positive thing.

“Do you really think that Hillary Clinton is debate-prepping for three or four days. Hillary Clinton is resting, okay?”