
Just because someone has good taste in things doesn’t mean they have good ideas.

Another thing he might have forgotten: Ryan Fitzpatrick went to Harvard.

My worst case scenario: China annexes Taiwan, and starts a Cold War with the Unites States for not staying out of it’s backyard. Both economies suffer (with the U.S. suffering more), and Trump refuses to come to the aid of Taiwan. This leads to further destablization of the West, and plays directly into Russia’s

What does a 93-year-old former Viagra pitchman need (or even do) with $140k?

Drain that swamp!

If he were a good Christian he would have been found alive inside a boulder.

I really really really do not like burqas. But I don’t think we get anywhere by banning them.

A feminist wants any woman to do whatever she wants to in her life as long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else. If a lady wants to wear a burka, let her.

Dear Baylor,

Given how they’ve handled this scandal I would’ve expected a different guy from Temple

Until its proven otherwise I am fully convinced that the only reason Trump picked Carson for HUD is because he’s black and it has the word urban in it’s title.

I’m pretty sure Trump saw the word “Urban” in the title and said “Carson’s black, give him that one.”

I’m defending White America- the majority of baseball fans.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

“I was like a god there, I owned that stadium.”

Now you’ve done it. One of Alex Jones’ idiot followers will read your comment, link to it and it’ll be a thing.

I read that he actually travelled to open a Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Cambodia.

Every time I here about that movie I wonder if it’s this one or the James Spader car accident porn one. It’s never the James Spader.