I’m okay with high standards when it comes to domestic violence/anger problems.
I’m okay with high standards when it comes to domestic violence/anger problems.
Two reasons to Do the Right Thing: 1) It’s the right thing; 2) Others can be inspired to do right things.
Apparently you’re not familiar with Title K-IX.
Welcome to the Deadspin 25, a college football poll that strives to be more democratic and less useless than every…
When the lightskinned brothers start attacking each other, we’ve truly lost all hope. We were supposed to be a team!
58 - 48- 6* Michigan Leads all-time
Just the sort of tempering you’d expect to see from a man who remembered that his livelihood is largely dependent on the free labor of young black men who might identify with Kaepernick.
If Colin Kaepernick’s actions are having such a negative impact on your life then that says far more about you than it does about him.
Or, maybe he, ya’know, actually misspoke.
2014 was far from an unknown squad. They were undefeated in 2012 and went 12-2 in 2013. They had that entire core that just left, and Braxton Miller looked like a lock at Heisman as QB. In fact, I’m almost positive they were the frontrunner for the playoff that year before they lost to Va. Tech.
That said, there’s a…
You never know, he could have tried a slant at the goal line like a real dipshit
They start winning things?
Holy crap, that is what I call cherry picking your data. I’m a pediatric orthopaedist, so I speak from a point of knowledge here.
Who the hell would ever use Miracle Whip and have any sort of ability to taste?
Les Miles is most certainly a dick. He even calls out high school kids that don’t want to come to his program.
After those “irrational statements” Tre should quit football and run for President.