
He went to Ohio State and played for Urban Meyer...he can definitely afford to hold out for a season or two.

Did the Chargers do their homework this time? Are they sure Bosa isn’t a figment of some agent’s imagination?

sounds like a glory glory hallelujah boy to me

“...and not Steve from Stranger Things.”

For a section of boosters beating a dog probably is a great offense than raping a woman.

100% of those surveyed who believe sexism is no longer a problem followed their answer, unprompted, with: “do you even know what it’s like in Saudi?” Then they shared a meme about how nice guys never get the girl.

Poor guy. Now he may have to suffer the indignity of the cone for a couple of weeks so he doesn’t chew off the bandage.

Or we can throw all of our hopes and dreams into this...

And pro Assad. And anti Beyonce.

Her VP candidate is also pro-Assad and called people protesting the Charlie Hebdo murders “white power marchers”. Did I mention he’s associated with holocaust deniers?

Spineless or stupid, Jill, pick a petard and hoist thyself.

Well done Mr. Ryan:

Y’all keep typing what you wish Parker had said and are ignoring the fact that he still tried to rope two other dudes into raping this girl. No statement absolves that. Not even the most boneheaded understanding of consent means “okay my friends get to fuck you too”

Thank you so, so, so, so much for this. There are way too many commenters on here who are like, “Well it WAS 1999 and maybe he didn’t know. . . .” As a victim of a similar type of rape (in 2003! When nobody knew better than to take turns having sex with a passed out woman, apparently), I find this is offensive—mostly

If General William Tecumseh Sherman would have done a better job, we wouldn’t have to witness this yearly March to Seven and Nine.

He should have hired you to handle his PR for him.

Papelbon’s gonna be in so much trouble when Trump’s “Speak English” program kicks in.

Egyptians have a long history of losing to Jews though

I don’t get it. Touching hands is a lot less physical contact than getting your ass handed to you.