Why didn't Philbin do what the chaperone on my 8th grade trip to Washington DC did and put scotch tape on the door?
Why didn't Philbin do what the chaperone on my 8th grade trip to Washington DC did and put scotch tape on the door?
"You guys okay?" Philbin will ask, or "Ready for practice in the morning?" Or "Anything we need to discuss?"
The most saddening thing about being a Dolphins fan is how incredibly uninteresting this team is. Outside of Richie Incognito being a sack of shit (and most Dolphins fans side with him), the most coverage ESPN gave the Dolphins was back when they beat the Patriots with the Wildcat. In retrospect, that win fucked us…
All that matters is if you're on the right side of the screen or not.
Anyone wanting to make fun of the B1G 10 can suck it. Almost all of their schools are at the top of that chart... except Penn State who we just wish we had never let in.
If there was ever a fanbase that deserved it, it's Alabama.
(RFK is still there, if he really wants retro.)
Mark Sanchez feels this way about women.
I think people will be complaining about how they had to play 28 games in a season.
Money actually hasn't changed Riley. He's just as frugal as ever. The reason he hasn't responded is because he knows it costs extra to text Mexico.
My wife grew up in Youngstown, so I've adopted the Browns as an underdog rooting interest. I sprung for a throwback elf t-shirt before last season. Every day since — and sometimes twice per day — I get emails from the Cleveland Browns trying to sell me more shit. I've unsubscribed from their mailing list a half-dozen…
-This is a grown man who still brings afucking glove to baseball games. Who does that? Jesus.-
I'm not a Seahawks fan, but that Sherman interview is my favorite moment from the NFL last year. I've probably watched that video 100+ times and still laugh with every viewing.
As an Eagles fan, I say fuck the Cardinals for three reasons:
Japan probably/already has that covered.
You must have been sleeping through that English class when they taught what "undefeated" means.
The fact that they were able to play the rest of that season and didn't get a punishment close to that of SMU is pretty good indication of how good they are at damage control.
I'm not sure Drew sited anything. He probably sighted them before he cited them, though. There's also the whole "things that actually happened aren't really rumors anymore" angle to consider. The girl really did commit suicide; the guy really did fall from the tower. OTOH — Manti Te'os "girlfriend" still walks the…
Au contraire, mon frere. ND is very special. What other university gets voted into the NCAA title game despite being obviously average, has its own TV deal and has the NYT suck its dick every Sunday between Labor Day and Christmas?