
It better not be. His showing wasn’t a sign of him being a strong candidate, it was that HRC was a weak one. If I’m voting for an old white man in the next Democratic primary it’s Joe Biden.

Notice how children loved President Obama.

I’ll see you that gif and raise you this picture:

Isn’t Ted Cruz Hispanic?

You’re welcome, y’all.

I was thinking about this... what would have happened if Trump had nominated Merrick Garland? I think it would have been brilliant, actually. It would have allowed him to claim to be bipartisan and then he could eventually nominate some right wing nutbar.

Also timely: “Once again, the U.S. is spending millions to oust a puppet they spent millions to get into office. They’ll spend more millions on the coverup to hide having spent those millions and even more millions to discredit members of the media who report otherwise. It’s a good thing they print their own money.”

After Democrats refused to show up for the vote on Cabinet nominees Steven Mnuchin and Rep. Tom Price—an obstruction tactic waged amid intense pressure from the left, which has strengthened in reaction to Trump’s absolutely terrifying first week—Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has, as the Washing

It’s white privilege. Can you imagine the reaction if Mrs. Obama hadn’t moved into the White House?

The most eloquent, passionate, thoughtful, and qualified voices on the left are women at this point.

I’ve heard the same thing. One friend of mine compared the situation with Schumer to Tom Hagen vs. Genco in the Godfather.

the past 8 years of Republican malarkey - which voters did not punish them for! - should teach us that there’s a new rule book.

Sean Hannity is the result of an experiment where they shaved an ape and showed it Ronald Reagan speeches to teach it to speak.

As an aside: what’s a brother gotta do to get ungreyed around here?!

I think that there’s a real question of how best to fight Trump.

I got into an argument with my brother at my Grandma’s funeral last weekend because I was championing Richard Spencer getting punched in his stupid face.

A bit of levity: for some reason my best friend’s phone always showed up as “Shaun Christmas” on caller ID. It was a joke that it was his alias. When Weiner came out with “Carlos Danger” I took that on as my alias.

This is getting absurd. What he was doing was stupid, shameful and betrayed a staggering lapse in judgement. But a sex crime?

Yeah, she had two things I like: greatness and a redemption story. I enjoy watching greats compete, and she was great. And then when she lost I hoped she’d come back and make dipshits like Floyd Mayweather eat their words.

Wait, we’re comparing Barkley to human twitter egg Skip Bayless?