
I had a friend who said they threw full beer cans at them during pledging. I would have burned down the house and salted the Earth as a warning not to pull that shit on me.

I’m shocked, *shocked*, this didn’t take place in the south.

Steve Bannon looks like he smells like cigarettes, whiskey, and BO.

He looks like Mark Hamill after a nerve tonic bender.

Please, tell me how she “stole” the nomination. This should be RICH.

If you use the 2012 votes Stein received in PA, MI, and WI as a baseline and subtract what she received in 2016 HRC still loses PA & WI.

This is a hilariously bad idea.

I am not convinced that the election wasn’t in fact stolen in select counties and jurisdiction by hacking.

Yeah, but most people aren’t flawed in the “rules are for OTHER people” way the Clintons are.

Bernie Sanders wouldn’t have won a general election. He couldn’t win a primary where Hillary Clinton said nothing but nice things about him.

It’s really important to analyze failure and what went wrong. I’m quite interested in where Hillary thinks they went wrong now that she’s had a chance to reflect in the aftermath.

HRC can be pretty damned inspiring, as you know!

“Why I Throw Things: The 2016 Election As Told by Hillary Clinton”

Don’t forget the Reagan campaign who actively engaged in treason!

Trump, Nixon, Reagan.

Hillary is certainly a strong woman, but I’m glad to never have to deal with her or Bill again. “Amazing” is not the word I’d use to describe her.

Stopped reading after “me being the most corrupt candidate to ever run for President”. Like, you know she ran against Donald Trump? And Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan existed too? And that Hillary won the primary? I’m not an HRC fan but it’s people like you who frustrate the shit out of me.

Because they wanted ratings. Bernie gets better ratings than Patty Murray and Ted Cruz will be in front of a camera any time he can even if it was a snuff film.

How do we deal with systemic racism?! BY GOING AFTER THE FAT CATS! That’s... that’s not an answer.

“I had a attitude problem but then I took a timeout and I thought about what I did.” - Ted Cruz, endorsing Donald Trump.