
There has been a lot of ugliness and there will be more to come. But it’s important to remember these kinds of moments.

What a festering anal sore Dr. Luke is. This is clearly not about money and just about Luke punishing Kesha for challenging his authority.

I actually think DeVos might not.

The President is proud to have been the first ever GOP nominee to mention the LGBTQ community in his nomination acceptance speech

Yeah, you should see those dipshits on Twitter. “IT STILL COULD BE A MUSLIM!”

A few thoughts:

Prediction: Trump awkwardly blames the SEALs and then pivots to blaming President Obama.

I look forward to the GOP investigating THIS the way they went after Benghazi!

I disagree. I think a lot of stuff like this happened under President Obama, yes. I think President Obama preferred low-key, clandestine forces and drone strikes. Trump is going to go for the kind of ostentatious shows of force that are fucking awful.

President Obama really used the “feckless, weak, pathetic” GOP narrative to his advantage. You notice we didn’t have fuck ups under President Obama? It’s because he wasn’t a gigantic unprepared dipshit like Trump. It’s pretty clear President Obama respected the military and intelligence communities more than Trump.

It’s amazing what a bunch of spineless, craven weasels the GOP are. It seems like with the exception of Graham, McCain, Paul, and Collins the entire GOP is just embracing Trump.

Jeff Sessions: “Boy, I certainly hope this doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass in two years!”

Oh to have gotten to hear THAT conversation.

Just wait until his department of labor gets done.

Maybe Sage Steele should have watched the fucking news and gotten to her flight a lot earlier like a sensible person. I saw there were protests scheduled for LAX and probably would have left four-six hours early for my flight.

Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal and—more notably for this website, at least—an aggressive anti-First Amendment advocate.

Ed Miliband looks like a time-displaced Milo Yiannopolous who realized what he caused and has come back to warn us all.

I enjoy this even more because basketball is the sport that will piss off the alt right the most.

She should feel guilty. I’m glad it ruined her life, it should. I’m glad she lived a long time because she seems to have guilt and remorse and living with that is the worst punishment I can think of.

If we’re shutting down immigration until we can guarantee 100% safety we’re never opening it back up.