
Where do you live? Lapsy daisy? Da fuq?

Southpaw. But if you’re looking for a place to get your haircut I’d recommend Sofia at Justin Harding Hair. She was at Southpaw but moved over to Justin Harding Hair in West Hollywood. I <3 her.

Kara, you join a list with my mother who has made me hate things that most people don’t get. My mother made “enamored with” and “could care less” into nails-on-a-chalkboard while you’ve added “massive shade” to that list. Bravo.

Ah yes, “prayer”. One of the three tools in the conservative toolbox that are equally useless. The other two are “trust the free market” and “blame liberals”.

I’ve been binge watching black-ish and have been in love with Tracee Ellis Ross. She and Anthony Anderson have awesome chemistry.

I grew up “comfortable” (that’s liberal white person for: my family didn’t worry about money but we didn’t have more than one house). My mom and dad worked really hard so that my sibs and I didn’t have to pay for college for four years (and they provided me a no-interest loan when I took an extra semester). Other than

I moved to LA 18 months ago and was staying in Silverlake and called a salon and had this exchange:

Conveniently, his Hitler haircut is also stubbornly popular with non-fascists 

I have it. I’m definitely not a Nazi.

Yeah, but I think he’s more Errol Childress than Jeffrey Dahmer.

I think it would be fucking amazing. Let him hover over her.

Really? That’s giving him more credit than I would. He comes across as fucking dim. He’s the perfect robot to belch Koch Brother approved talking points. But he seems like without that he’s dumb as a sack of hammers and about as exciting.

Really? I wondered if his hesitancy to reveal who he voted for was because he was at CPAC and voted for HRC.

Scott Walker? Hard pass. He seems like the kind of guy who’d either try to get you to come to his church or sell Quixtar.

Well, those pictures are deeply unsettling.

Man, who knew that you could just avoid town halls? Oh, wait, this is one of those GOP things that they can get away with because of the magic (R) after their names that Democrats can’t do, isn’t it?

I remember hearing about Clarke and my knowledge of the difference between sheriff and police chief perked up. I wonder if his fans would feel the same knowing that he runs like thirty deputies?

Yeah, I wasn’t really thinking when I said that one.

Except that’s not how it works. If Trump and Pence were impeached we’d end up with President Paul Ryan.

Totally. And it’s one I banged the drum about with #oscarssowhite.