
I’m very much a believer in playing Devil’s Advocate. Yeah, the GOP has shown that they’re craven fucknuts, but I think they also have to answer to their constituents.

ScarJo, call me, monogamous, polyamorous, open, I will do whatever it takes to be with you!

Yes, something is deeply wrong here. There’s good news and there’s bad news here, obviously. The good news (and it’s faint) is in the Steele Dossier: Trump appears to have been aware that the Russians were attempting to compromise him and actually tried to avoid it. I think Trump being elected and being amenable to

I actually have a ghost of sympathy for Spicer. I think he took the job as Press Secretary not out of any loyalty to or affection for Trump but because Preibus came to him and said, “listen, if it’s not you it’s going to be some talk radio jackass and that’s going to demean the office. Please do it.” Spicer seems like

But wait, now Chaffetz is gonna probe! He’s launching an investigation into Trump’s handling of sensitive information on the Mar-a-Lago patio, which, as you’ll recall, involved a bunch of unbelievable idiots pointing their phone flashlights at documents concerning a North Korean missile launch while surrounded by

Lesley Arfin is awful and we should not reward her with more work.

Nixon’s mistake was using people too connected to him.


Based on recent history I look forward to the Democrats nominating Andrew Cuomo and Joe Manchin and managing to lose the 2020 election.

I’m not a huge fan of McCain, Graham, or Paul. But they seem to at least have some faint idea of ethics.

“We’ve got a major fox in a hen house problem. I mean, there are foxes all over the place.”

I think the Congressional GOP knows Trump is vulnerable to this kind of thing. Notice they couldn’t do the same thing with President Obama? They knew that going after the Clintons wasn’t a bad idea based on history.

I think the concern is about the White House. Because it doesn’t have to effect them directly. Let’s say, hypothetically, it comes out that Trump was working hand-in-glove with the Kremlin and they were able to tie the sale of part of Rosneft to Trump. Suddenly he’s worse than radioactive. And every Republican is

Chaffetz is a rat fuck coward. I hope he swings for what he’s doing.

Compare what got Nixon into trouble for with Reagan: selling weapons to terrorists and funneling the profits to right wing terrorists, IN DEFIANCE OF CONGRESSIONAL ORDER.

Russia isn’t even my biggest concern! At this point I just assume there’s an open line of communication between Trump and the Kremlin. But look at alllllll the unsecured devices Trump’s team uses. China is a much bigger concern.

Chaffetz is one of the most spineless, worthless, cowardly motherfuckers in the GOP today.

Disagree. I think they want to get the maximum effectiveness out of Trump before he starts to hurt their numbers. They folded because the GOP doesn’t break their 11th commandment.

Well, my assumption is that they’re worried something else will come out.

“If Hillary Clinton had won this election and it turned out that Vladimir Putin, Julian Assange, and others had provided help and her national security advisor had been on the phone with the Russians, there’d be hell to pay,” Perez said on a call with Jezebel on Tuesday.