
“Looks like” a Lagonda? When I saw the photo I thought it was the Lagonda.

You actually have a point and this is one of the more sensible answers I have seen here in a while, in my opinion.

100%. And moving over for them only justifies their tailgating in their own minds.

I completely agree, and have learned to do the same. Someone tailgating that dangerously is likely to change lanes quickly with very little warning as soon as they see the slightest gap. Simply maintaining speed and position gives the unpredictable driver a chance to get the hell out of there so I can go about my

Someone was merging onto the On-ramp. And then said person was in the way. Maybe if the ass-hat tailgater had given the other drive a chance to find an OPEN SPOT in the right lane, they would have gotten over.

People who can snap that easily should not be on the fucking road. Their lives already suck if they can’t handle their emotions like proper adults.

Sadly yes. Because idiots are unpredictable. Many times I’ve moved to change lanes, only to find asshole tries to go around me - without signaling.

“Encouraging road rage”

In this instance, the lead car was passing. They weren’t doing anything wrong (until brake checking). Being in the left lane and going slower than the person behind you wants to go is not necessarily “encouraging road rage.”

If I am in the left lane and passing people, I do not move over for

Why is it the non-road-ragers fault? What a stupid comment. Fuck tailgaters.

encouraging road rage??? driving safely and lawfully and refusing to cater to someone who is not is encouraging road rage? If you are ever driving so close to someone’s rear end that they can’t even see your headlights, you are the danger. If someone break checks you in that situation and you die... oh well, better

tailgaiting is the initial act of aggression, the initial act of unsafe driving

Encouraging road rage

I have had too many close calls when someone tailgating me suddenly decides to pass me on the right even after I have my signal on and I start moving over.

I’ve almost been rear ended trying to change to the right lane to avoid someone speeding (100+ mph). I’d be passing a few cars, they’d be rapidly approaching, I’d put on my right turn signal (even before I finished passing the 2nd to last car) and they’d STILL try to pass me on the right as soon as there’s an opening.

As a Social Security Administration report put it, “The upper limit on the tax was designed to assure that no one contributed directly more than the value of the protection he received.” It also meant that lower earners must pay for their benefits, which the administration says is “one of the basic principles of the

The Model 3 will compete with the likes of the BMW 3 Series, the Audi A4, the Mercedes C-Class, and the Lexus IS, so it expect it to be a lot like those..

Nuetral. I doubt it. Vehicles, relative to houses, are easy to repo and flip.

I think infotainment systems ought to be in a separate category from mechanical problems. I don’t care if a car can’t sync with my smartphone or the GPS is out (I can read maps), but I do want to know if it is prone to having the gearbox disintegrate at speed after 15k miles. One is irritating, the other is a killer.

My biggest problem with infotainment systems being lumped into reliability is that it is usually a trim level option, yet it affects the entire models alleged reliability. As an example my car isn’t fitted with Ford Sync, but that is available as an option and my model would receive a score deduction as a result.

Seriously. A transmission falling out in the middle of the highway ranks a little more serious than “touch controls take a long time to respond.” I believe the severity of the issues might be taken into account on CR’s list, but if they’re going by a more straightforward “Problems in the first 30 days” count, those