The U.S. didn’t depose Qaddafi; the Libyan people did. Coalition forces just protected civilians from aircraft and heavy weapons attacks at the request of the Libyan people. Your conspiracy theories don’t seem to have any connection to reality.
The U.S. didn’t depose Qaddafi; the Libyan people did. Coalition forces just protected civilians from aircraft and heavy weapons attacks at the request of the Libyan people. Your conspiracy theories don’t seem to have any connection to reality.
You don’t need the extra power/torque while moving even when towing. It is the acceleration where you need it. I could see a small displacement turbo engine with battery/electric motors.
This is why you have to focus you HIDs or you will be that guy.
Why would Michigan politicians ever want to “get over” a successful program that saved tens of thousands of scarce jobs in their state?
Neutral: Ben Carson was allegedly offered a full bailout 40 years ago, but turned it down. He denies the whole thing and there’s nothing in writing.
Neutral: Will People Ever Get Over The Bailouts?
The fact is that modern manufacturing means the cost of labor is a small and decreasing portion of the cost of production of an item, especially for more expensive items. There just isn’t that much labor needed to manufacture car parts these days, and final assembly is already frequently done in US/Canada/EU, so we…
But seriously fuck coal rollers, preferably with a rail spike covered in pissed off fire ants.
Have you looked at many Americans lately?
Truth - also constant pedal modulation (speeding up and slowing down) leads to poor fuel efficiency as well. I see tons of people fluctuate between 50 and 60 mph for no good reason. All that accel/decel leads to crappier than advertised MPGs. Not to mention that it is one of the most irritating things one can…
Real life fuel economy over the last 12,000 miles in my EcoBoost has been consistently 5-12 MPGs better an EPA. I don’t drive slow. I just don’t use the brakes for turns:)
Where exactly do you think that all of the commercially available hydrogen in this country comes from?
I hate to break it to you, but a hydrogen car IS a hybrid. It uses a battery pack or capacitor to store brake energy just like a hybrid does. It also uses two onboard energy sources (hydrogen and electricity in this case instead of gasoline and electricity).
So you cut and pasted an old FDR quote taken out of context, a man who you probably despise, and you think that’s a good argument?
You’ve got enough of a barrage of the expected anti-union replies so I’ll chime in to support you’re message. It’s funny that many of the same folks who deplore any form of gun control because “the 2nd Amendment allows citizens to keep government in check” against some real or imagine erosion of our rights does not…
I see you got all the ‘but this is America’ responses already like without any pressure, companies don’t/wouldn’t walk back as much as they could. Just because there are safety regulations in no way guarantees them in perpetuity. Businesses and the right have been chipping at the edges of what we have accomplished in…
I’d rather see them be employed in a safe working environment. Rather, I’d like to see them not being exploited. This blatant disregard for safety is the shit that leads to Bangladesh factory collapse that killed hundreds of people a few years back.
And yet VW has got away with ignoring the EPA for about a decade now, and was only caught by a university. Yeah, the EPA is real powerful.
For gods sake, if you’re going to talk about history please include a date! Its kinda important. Also thank you for including it.