
Yes, and why does nobody ever mention that? He’s a great self-promotor (well, at least he was until he went off the rails), but he’s actually a lousy businessman.

I think this country has enough assholes running around. We don't need another one occupying public office.

Good for people wanting to buy cheap Chinese imports. Bad for people wanting jobs making stuff in the US, whether for consumption here (more Chinese price competition) or elsewhere (more competition for those export markets with Chinese goods).

That’s pretty much exactly my point. People find it almost ritualistic to rag on Amazon’s lack of earnings, but operating profit appeared far sooner and with far greater regularity despite those sizable (and - unlike Tesla - roughly continuous) capital expenditures.

Even Amazon was pulling a profit faster than that (6.5 years from founding to first profit, 4.5 years from IPO), and that’s a company run seemingly hellbent on operating close to breakeven.

It’s a little unfair to say that Tesla loses $4k on every car they sell because it implies that if they sold more cars, they’d lose even more money. That’s not the case; the operating losses are overhead that is not covered by vehicle sales, which theoretically would be covered if they sold more cars. It’s better just

Gotta go with the Harley straight pipes.

Where have I seen that car before........

If the beetle was powered by a huge cockroach, you would never have this problem.

You should really fire your accountant if he seriously gave you the advice to make less money if you want to lower your tax bill.

“We were just barely nudged into a higher bracket with my new job.”

One SERIOUS thing to consider is whether either couple is paying back student loans using IBR. If so, and the couple files jointly, that joint income is considered for the payment amount, not just the borrowers. That could be a HUGE difference.


It sounds like the blowoff valve is hooked to cerberuses testicles and the accelerator to a giant beehive.

Holy interest rates Batman. What year did they make that chart? If those are the best rates you can get currently, the answer is “Don’t buy a house”. That being said, definitely don’t pay more than you can afford, and don’t let the banks tell you what you can afford. Back when I was making $40,000, I was preapproved

The hell they’re not.

Exactly, that pretty much means that they’re going to start sketching it tomorrow, and 4 years down the line they’ll be telling us it’s still 18 months behind schedule as a rough estimate.

In four years, there’s going to be a new Tesla Roadster.

How many does Ferrari have? (Okay they have 4). How many does Aston Martin have? 3. Not a whole lot of Teslas out in Midland.

This is the same governor that has the Texas Guard on high alert to monitor the US military to make sure Obama isn’t trying to take over Texas...