
You’re right, that kind of flyover would never happen nowadays.

So Kanye was right? Win the Super Bowl and drive off in a Hyundai?

750 million for this crash. Not counting lost sponsorship dollars and future earnings.

GM and Chrysler stock pre-Bailout?

You can call those whatever you like, since they don’t exist. The TTP is public, but being a trade treaty, it can’t be renegotiated by the legislature piece by piece or it would be pulled apart by precisely the kind of misused political influence you’re talking about. Instead, it has to be voted on as an all or

You clearly aren’t reading what I’m writing. Let me help you’re purile little brain:

All you have are insults and no logic. Bless your heart.

Have you ever noticed how many $50M+ judgements are levied against dealers and manufacturers? Rare, but not unheard of. Which would you rather - spend $3500-$5000 per year for your business with several hundred thousand a year (minimum, based on that size) in

Aren’t you cute?

No - I said that they should have “a reasonable amount of liability insurance”. That means coverage for any final judgement they might face. $563 million isn’t reasonable, but based on precedent, $50 million is not unreasonable to assume would be necessary. And it isn’t unaffordable by any stretch. The fact that you

Let’s see you maintain that 15 mph on a single-speed once you encounter a hill. Go get some damn gears you hipster!

Do you know how electric bikes work?

Anybody who uses this bike in Detroit will think they have Parkinson's. #thatwholecityispotholes

All congressmen have their heads up their asses.

Aren’t you lovely? Do you understand what liability insurance costs?

The cost of a policy is determined by the expected payouts. You’re far more likely to face a $1000 judgement than a $100k judgement. You’re far more likely to face a $100k judgement than a $10million judgement. You simply take the sum of the product

agree for the most part. But say EV/hybrid charging stations and adapters would be a case where cooperation and a standard would be ideal.

Compared to what, the for-profit healthcare system or the for-profit prison industry or the for-profit defense industry?

And from whence do you have this intimate knowledge of government institutions and NHTSA in particular? Better yet, do you even have a clue how many or how few employees at NHTSA are actually union employees? How about how many union employees work in defects investigation? Let me go out on a limb here and suggest you

1st: Every so often, some of the NHTSA complaints will get released for the general public to read. By and large, they’re written by morons who barely have enough intelligence to continue taking in oxygen. These are not people from whom we should be taking safety advice. The answer is what it always will be in these

Fuck you. Now I want one.