
The problem with mileage claims of plug-in hybrids is that they require electricity from an outside source to achieve the claimed mileage. So if your commute is the distance Chrysler used in its calculation and you plug the car in at home and possibly at work you might achieve those 75 mpg, but on a longer road trip

Looks more like the hood is 'popped' but not open. In the other photo the gaps are just fine.

Maybe not closed all the way?

Toyota - the Whore of Babylon.

Great. It's not enough to give a huge, profitable corporation tax breaks that it doesn't need; now we're paying them tax dollars to do business.

you can hurt an A-10?

Yes. I'd love to see a federal law preventing local governments from making special deals with businesses to attract them. Companies are playing states and towns against each other, while citizens pay the price. I can't blame the localities for what they are doing, they have to make a deal to bring in jobs otherwise

Anyone elsehave a powerful gagging reaction to the entire system of states poaching jobs other states by offering companies massive bribes of taxpayer money? Companies that probably stash most of their profits overseas to dodge taxes? No wonder the states can't pay for anything anymore.

Except this is what I see EVERY time a biker lane splits so im sorry while you may be sae about it enough of your brethren are not that I will never support it. Seen too much brains on the pavement to ever change my mind either.

Yeah. Their lack of income tax and crazy high property tax is a part of that marketing. It hides a huge amount of tax in the form of rent for most younger folks moving out there. Since their landlord obviously passes that cost on.

I was not aware. I just know my brother in a suburb of Dallas pays more property tax than I do in a suburb of Buffalo. Our houses are of similar assessed value. In my suburb the schools are darn good, in his they are a gang education facility, from what he says.

Essentially, de Blasio wants to replace the few horses still on the streets with electric cars. Whether this is a good or a terrible thing to do I don't know, and I don't really care, but there have to be more important things to get worked up about, right?

I suggest you bring your weapon of choice. And I will bring a random Ohioan to act as a distraction in my favor.

Why is this video sped up? I'm sure it makes it look worse than it is.

Next time spend some time and actually read my responses. The ONLY two things that right wing media has tried to attach to the prius is that:

This is just factually incorrect. True in criminal court, but the burden of proof in civil cases (which this would most likely be) is a preponderance of the evidence, meaning one side has to be more likely true than the other.

(NY-based auto liability insurance adjuster here) - In NY this is incorrect. Being a pure form comparative negligence state, the insurance companies will weigh the acts and duties and breaches of duty of each driver and apportion negligence thusly. Even if Border Patrol is 90% negligent they can still collect 10% of

the video clearly shows the green light, and that the driver tried avoiding the van very quickly, a note to his reaction time.

I blame unions for weekends. Communists.

Don't forget the Tatra T87 on Caprica in BSG.