
You should visit your nearest automotive factory then. They're very similar, except major OEMs utilize ramp up the production rate significantly.

Just 4 more mph, and he could have went back and made it look like it never happened.

Now playing

Impressive but similar to this Assembly plant: ff to 2:12 to see the building process:

A typical car has thousands of welds. Each weld takes a few seconds (1 second for a fast expulsion-ful (sparks) weld and 1+ seconds to travel to the next weld. Tesla obviously runs a clean bodyshop. That means slower (glow and smoke only) welds. The robots in any modern bodyshop do all of the welding. The more

ahhh, and how are other cars made. This looks like any other auto factory. It does look clean and I like the color scheme, but the vw phaeton factory, now thats cool.

Only 140 robots means a very slow <40 JPH (Jobs Per Hour) production rate and an expensive car that the mass market can not afford. A typical production body shop employs 400+ robots with a 80+ JPH.

This is why the show "Street Outlaws" on Discovery pisses me off so much. Anything that glorifies street racing is just a bad phucking idea!


Well, at least there are not many Asians in San Jose. And by "not many" I mean "half the population."

Here's a Ford pulling a space vehicle. You know why there isn't a commercial on TV about it? Because it's just a normal day at the office for a real truck.

guess what? I have a 100% stake in my company and I do not get a dime unless I make a profit. Government did not loan me a dime. Hell, I get paid last. The buck stops here.

The tesla and leaf are dead at 100 miles. The Volt drives on until you need to fill it up at a gas station, something that takes about five minutes.

Normally I don't engage with such a clearly biased and self-absorbed person like you, but you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Someone disagrees with my point of view so instead of being open to someone else's input, I'm going to twist what someone else wrote to prove my own righteous point and cap it off, not just with a period but by writing out the word. Yeah, that'll prove my point and raise the bar of Jalopnik's discourse. Period.

Were you molested by an electrical cord as a child? Your bias is showing, might wanna zip that thing up.

Just going by the evidence presented to me every day on my way to and from work every day.

3rd gear; it must be SO embarrassing for the free trade religious nuts to have to explain why you must keep buying stuff from other countries while they block your products Yes i know.America manipulate the system slightly,but nowhere near as much as others,who are just completely blatant about it

Sorry, this is an opinion piece and has no scientific merit. The papers quoted are hand selected and show bias. You cannot look at 5 journal papers and reach a conclusion. The entire body of work - all papers to get a view. 1) all papers quoted for CO2 production assume current proportions of coal fired plant in

I'm so sick of the "Not as green as you think" argument with everything that's "green." Are electric cars 100% carbon neutral from creation, shipping, usage, charging, and disposal? Nope, not even close! Are they better for the environment than gasoline cars? Absolutely! Mission accomplished!!

Based on how many times I've read basically the exact same selectively researched story, I'm pretty sure I could make a career in journalism by writing articles titled something like "Electric Cars Aren't As Environmentally Friendly As You Think". I'll just benchmark all the electric turd vehicles driving around, the