
No need to worry everyone, that tuna scrape was probably only contaminated becuase they didn't spray enough ammonia on it. I'm sure they've since remedied the problem.

occasionally people (such as myself) will accept a friend request from a co-worker, or other , well, acquaintance, out of politeness. Its also easier to add someone to that acquaintances list vs. telling them why you unfriended them when they ask (or having them think you don't like them when you don't accept the

I've considered this, but have found it hard to get around that awkward "Why did you unfriend me on facebook?" phase...

This commercial kind of just reminds me why I don't need/want a siri-type service on my phone. While having SOMETHING is nice , I just can't carry on a conversation with my phone. Whenever I use my voice commands I end up stopping half way through what I was saying because I don't know how to phrase it in a way that a

Is this a joke? They didn't even turn out looking good, you could see jagged marks aroundthe edges of the painted parts.

yeah, well they changed their minds and went with a touchscreen phone instead. They're allowed to do that. The OS is similar as well, in that they're both phone software (which has essentially been the same since phones started allowing more full featured apps (and before that in Palm's desktop-style icons which

....really man? you really want to be that guy? its good to have choices and they've both become very nice operating systems with great hardware.

so THAT'S where the iphone 4 design came from...

how do you make a phone without ripping off another phone? They're phones... its either going to have a touch screen or keyboard or both.

yeah, they decided to go with a touchscreen UI to be competitive.

Eh... i've used it a bit (wouldn't consider myself a fanboy, but I do have a preference for windows) it was sort of confusing how the Metro UI fits in , but I still spent most of my time in desktop anyway...


As a lefy, I'm furious. How dare they demean my gauchehandedness?

EVERYTHING! didn't you hear?!

haha, well that kind of backfired on me. Generally they seem a bit less biased toward one company/platform....

OSX currently, sure, but I'm sure if they ever did this, it'd be optimized for touch first.

well microsoft isn't SELLING windows 8 yet, and remember, they're a software company that makes its money almost exclusively from software. Apple sells software AND hardware so you'd have to expect them to be earning more. Aside from that, revenue of 17.4 BILLION dollars doesn't sound too shabby....

why do we treat CEOs like celebrities?

Check out The Verge if you havent. Its more about tech/gadgets, less about apple

well, they DID cross a laptop and an iphone... apparently they got lucky this time...