
man, I must have shitty tastes in pizza. I'd choose dominoes' new pizza over papa johns or pizza hut almost any day. (i don't have anything against the other two, I'm just kind of sick of pizza hut and papa john's sauce is too sweet for my tastes) . HOWEVER, home made neopolitain pizza with san marzano tomatoes,

just curious, I wont argue with you about it or anything as everyone has their own personal tastes, but have you tried their new pizza since they changed the recipe?

yeah, although its not really a great exclusive or anything considering all the other great options (and especially now that they dropped the keep-10-songs-a-month thing, its even less unique) . For me, it was just a big pain when I sold my zune because I WANTED to keep the zune pass (microsoft, if you're listening,

my evo (sprint , obviously) is the first smartphone i've ever owned. That might be the only reason I'm still with sprint. No idea how much better (or worse) the other networks are for speeds and coverage in my area

This article is the first time I've heard of Path. I checked out the website (are they owned by pinterest or something? ) . Looks cool, but how in the hell am I going to get my friends to join yet ANOTHER social network? Google plus was great becuase it wasn't facebook, but the novelty only lasted so long, and

that'd depend on what phone you want. I don't want an iphone, and would prefer (when I upgrade) to have one of the newest top-of-the-line phones, preferably nexus or easily unlockable.

Why ARE people leaving sprint? I'm on it right now and usually have decent service (but it seems to generally be spottier than att's in my area) . I was considering switching to join a family plan on ATT but they dont really have any good phones...

No guys, its definitely Piece of Shit. I know about this stuff.

Aw, come on, iphone dock plug? Lame....

This is kind of just a guess , but I feel like there's probably more computer engineers coming from india, but aside from that, Yeah, I'd agree there's probably a difference between the fields as far as what type of work done (even true for different types of mechanical engineering though. I do outdoor products,

I wont comment on your entire post, but I'm not sure I agree with "tech companies do not like having to invest in training an entry level american engineer when they can [...]"idea. I wouldn't say you're wrong or anything, its just been my experience (in my field, which is mechanical engineering) from talking to

THIS, right here, is the only reply that matters.

well I don't think this was ever an article about never being able to escape apple... its just about their strange corporate culture. everyone's going to need to do their own research before actually applying there. needless to say, most of what gizmodo does is opinion-based these days, not necessarily real news or

sure, they had no reason to be disappointed, but they still were because they had no idea what they were waiting for. there was the iphone , then they jumped up to the iphone 3g a year later (correct?) . and phones have been progressing so fast lately , with apple being the only company doing minor upgrades like this

well tell that to the guy who was upset about it. personally, I'm an android/PC guy who just wandered in here

(as evidenced higher up in the comments) stockholders care what apple is spending its money on.

I'd rather know what's coming in the future. Think about how many people were disappointed with the iphone 4s because they were waiting to upgrade and thinking apple would announce the iphone 5. At least when they announce things ahead of time you can plan your purchases out a bit better.

explain what?

I thought there were some pancake lenses for the sony as well. (although i dont know what the size of those lenses are in relation to these)

yeah, I loved Zune Pass back when I had my zuneHd, but then i got an android phone. Pretty disappointing that they didn't have it on non windows devices.