Edie Sedgwick. She. Was. Awful
Edie Sedgwick. She. Was. Awful
I hope that yet-to-be-announced project is a diarama for science class.
What does being wealthy have to do with it?
Why are wealthy people named Paris so dumb?
After Cernovich reads this article and comment section (because of course he will) I would like him to explain to the class why he went with that particular facial hair configuration. He looks like an ambulance chasing, alcoholic lawyer from a Grisham novel that passed out Friday night behind the wheel of his 80's…
I legit thought this was Mac from Its Always Sunny.
Thats not a secret.
How does someone with *that* haircut get to be so smug?
Please Ms Rhimes, for the love of Dog, create a spin off showcasing Rowan & Maya Pope: The Early Years!! I would watch that SO HARD!
During the writer strike of Aught 8, I couldn’t find any work other than picking out bandanas & Ed Hardy tees for Brett Michaels during Rock of Love Season 2.
Hahahahahahahahah. K.
How about I rephrase it this way so it meets your standards: It DOESNT MATTER what Bernie did or didn’t do during the campaign. With Wasserman-Schultz at the helm of the DNC, he never had a chance anyway. You crying about Sanders is as pointless as Trump screaming about Hillary 5 months past the election. If you want…
White women voted for Trump in droves. We were/are our own worst enemies.
This movie exists entirely to make those of us who saw the original in the theatres feel old.
We are a garbage country.
Hahahahahhahhaahahahah. You sound lonely as fuck, bro.
She wishes.
I can’t like this comment enough.
Alas, there are sooooo maaaaany people on Twitter defending Milo. The mental gymnastics these people must subject themselves to in order to defend him is astounding. It’s *almost* as though conservatives have no moral compass.
Anything helmed by Fred Durst.