Hey now! Some of my best pets were rescued off the streets of Bakersfield.
Hey now! Some of my best pets were rescued off the streets of Bakersfield.
Too bad she couldn’t transition into a decent human being.
Sadly, this is probably true.
I’m sure Kim’s dress is couture yet somehow it still looks like she picked it up at Bebe.
Yes! Splett is a national treasure!
Administers “Brentwood Hellos”?
*Googles James McAvoy.*
I have also worked in the film industry for many, many years and your mom *nailed* it.
Omg. I live next door to an off-campus SAE house. I hate them with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns. They. Are. The. Worst. It’s a nonstop shit geyser of noise, garbage, public urination, tank tops, crap parking jobs, weird chants, red solo cups, navy Blazers, giant cut out Greek letters, lion statuary &…
Washington: known for its ability to laugh at its self.
Still works.
So now we are cutting down our allies for being “suspiciously woke”?
Oh Jesus, I’m so sorry. Your friend sounds like he needs you now more than ever. Stay strong and don't forget to take care of yourself too. <<Internet hugs from a stranger>>
My step brother is a cancer researcher in Houston. He is constantly removing people off his feed who accuse him of shilling for Big Pharma and/or suggesting that researchers are somehow *hiding* the cancer curing properties of baking soda.
Shut up, Jessa.
This was a very intelligent and nuanced comment. I *especially* liked the part where you called sexism “so-called”. I mean, fuck those bitches that can’t hang. If they really wanted to race, they would have been born dudes. Amirite?
Shhhhhh. That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.
I’m with you buddy. But you’re asking a lot from a media company that *didn’t* lay off the missing Mensa member writing 500 Days of Kristin.
Oh no, this is very sad. I worked on a movie with her on Catalina Island a few years ago. She was a lovely human being, very kind and appreciative of the crew’s (me, my peers) hard work. She will be missed.