
Disclaimer, I don’t hunt, but...

So this is how his sons were rewarded. With Ivanka, she wanted money and power. His sons? No, they wanted all their hunting and gun buddies to be elevated to positions of power so they could make it easier for all of them to kill rare animals. This is really sick.

Burn them all with fire. For fucks sakes. Horrible wastes of air. Trohpy hunting is a fucking pathetic excuse for making yourself feel important. Especially those who pose with their kill for a photo op. Fuck you. May whatever youre hunting get you first.

Look, I’m going to respond to this and then I’m done with the conversation:
If what you got from my comment was that I “didn’t believe it’s real” and that I called you hysterical, that’s on you and what you’re reading into it. I truly am sorry if you’ve been through those horrible things, and I wish you nothing but

Big-game trophy decision will be announced next week but will be very hard pressed to change my mind that this horror show in any way helps conservation of Elephants or any other animal.

As someone who has never been banned in over a decade of commenting on Gawker and Gizmodo sites, I am staggered and deeply disturbed that this continues to be such a persistent problem, and have yet to see an attempt by the editors to address it, let alone formulate a resolution.

That Declaration of Royal Consent is just one more reason why I am so damn glad that I don’t have to concern myself with what any relatives of mine might think about the legal state of the union with my beloved significant other. Way to suck anything joyous out of the announcement, that sort of court language has.

Anyone who puts a veteran with PTSD in solitary confinement is a criminal.

So, to solve the problem they put him in solitary confinement?

What message are we sending to our immigrant servicemembers (sic) today when they see how we treated Miguel?”

Didn’t they also use a different gun? I mean, a .50 Desert Eagle is a fucking monster of a gun.

It’s rather difficult to have a “party” with a group of people you’ve barred from your house.

I wish I could say I’m surprised but given the derth of replies....

Steve was the name of a bouncer during a weird night out in my teenage years. Simply invoking his name induced reverence among other doormen, opened up lines, and had past transgressions forgotten.

The Captain America fandom agrees wholeheartedly with this decision.

If you think Steve is gorgeous, wait until you see Todd.

i know at least three transwomen/trans feminine folks who have had their tinder profiles deleted for no reason (other than transphobic people reporting them).

Meanwhile the SWERFs and anti-trafficking activists in Canada claimed the “pimp lobby” were behind the push to keep the purchase of sex between consenting adults legal. Uh, no way we’re just exposing ourselves to the risks that come with testifying as a sex work just because some pimps tossed us a few bucks. We hate

. I think most sex workers rights advocates want decriminalization. In theory, legalization could mean laws having sex work license laws.

But what about the websites that DO?