
The fact that Mattel invisiblizes Frida’s disability makes the doll not Frida. If there are accessory leg braces, a prosthetic leg, a plaster corset painted with a hammer and sickle, a right leg much thinner and shorter than the left leg, and the orthopedic shoes to go with that, then yes, Mattel got it right.

And they skipped her stache. She was proud of her facial hair.

I would be overwhelmed if I tried to count how many friends and friends of friends on my FB have posted and/or commented on posts stating how fucked up this is and how Mattel should be ashamed of themselves and redesign the doll. I personally think they should include a wheel chair and darken her skin tone, as they I

Three of us. It is a huge iconic image and important to many POCs for many different reasons.

And the upper lip hair is missing.

For those that don’t understand the big deal about her unibrow: She made a huge point in purposefully emphasizing her facial hair because she despised western beauty standards. Erasing that is erasing a large and very important part of who Frida was, as a person.

It’s also kind of crappy they’re completely ignoring the

This is Frida Kahlo as she saw herself. Note the lack of eyebrow shaving. Note the lack of upper lip waxing or bleaching. Note the look of “I don’t give a fuck about your beauty standards”. This “Barbie doll” version of her is an abomination.

Yes. It’s her defining feature, and she emphasized it in all of her self portraits.

years-long Republican accusations that she used her Native American heritage in order to further her career.

Before I started reading the comments, I mentally prepared myself for a whole bunch of, “When you work in porn, that’s what you get,” grossness. I am delighted to find none of that. Good on you, Jez community.

Let’s cast Jennifer Lawrence in a completely age inappropriate role because that’s the thing to do. Maybe HRC?

Kiddo is going to be 13 in a few months and I can still sing both of those songs and the theme to Backyardigans... it’s torturous.

I was thinking Elizabeth Hurley for Melania, though she might be a tad too old.

1. THEFT of a large sum of money some disgustingly rich, asshole corporation.

I don’t know what the pay for being a troll is like, but it’s steady work, judging by some of the commentariat here.

Again, crying, lol. You have nothing to apologize for girl. It’s shameful but it’s a reality I’ve gotten used to. I just told that story to demonstrate how white feminism sometimes is so foreign to me, because it oftentimes defends this capitalistic society that is more interested in what humans can produce and not

Your last post has made every single stupid post that I have ever written (and regretted) worth it since it meant that I might read your narrative of intense courage and grace. A friend of mine who was incarcerated has now also made prison reform her life’s work. I have heard her stories though there are some things

There are so many chaotic thoughts coursing through my head all at once.

Sorry for the second reply, but I so wish that jez and GMG would do more pieces on the state of incarceration in our society and the defranchisement of marginalized group because of it.

Okay. Now, I’m feeling bad.