
I think this and the Jon Stewart reaction are exposing a culture of complicity in work environment sexual harrassment and assault. Specifically, it takes an environment of coworkers and management to look the other way for such predators to thrive. Clearly Jon Stewart and Spacey’s cohort didn’t participate in these

It’s probably wise to be this cynical, even though it’s depressing. Jimmy Saville, for instance, mostly met his victims through his charity work, especially by visiting hospitals and doing programs for troubled kids and teens. Ugh, and now I feel like throwing up after typing this. Wish they’d revealed what Saville

Wow, that sucks. He was an erudite proponent for progressive values - it’s too bad he’d commit an act like this.

And of course, their chief swears that this is the first she’s heard of any of this!

You don’t have to wait. The Terrible Turtle’s all over it. McConnell is calling for an ethics investigation, which is in no way an attempt to distract from Roy Moore. Honestly, he swears!

Never, ever idolize notable people. It’s not good for your mental state.

Uff da. Disappointing, but as someone who grew up in a Seattle Democratic household, this is (sadly) not my first rodeo. (See links about Sen. Brock Adams below.) And like a good little party loyalist, I defended Bill Clinton. . .but in the back of my mind, I *knew* I was being a hypocrite. Now that I think about it,

There’s a picture. She’s clearly sleeping in it. There’s no version of this where he’s not a jerk.

I’m disappointed that Michael Bay STILL hasn’t gotten caught up in the fray. Not that I have heard anything about him, but I just really, really want him to stop making movies.

Exactly. I don’t care who’s next to be revealed as a sexual predator, even if its someone whose work I enjoy or has the same political leanings as I do.

As a side note, I’m not looking forward to the “whataboutism” that’s going to come from the right about this. Not that what Franken did is not bad and somewhat related to some other current cases but ... well, more Hannity bloviating is never good.

My guess is the high profile name recognition of Spacey was great for Old Vic business. The allegations were just the price of business for the theater. So gross.

It seems groping and assault is the one bipartisan issue most politicians have in common.

Well, shit. Current mood:

I’m just hoping Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, and Carl Sagan are okay.

I know all of this intellectually, but emotionally it still makes me flinch a bit when the actual names are revealed, particularly today when politicians are already being more dastardly than usual.


I know what you mean, but this behavior knows no political affiliation. Men have acted this way for centuries because they set up the system that allowed them to get away with it. If you’re part of that power structure in any way, then of course it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of it even if you align yourself with

I used to think that sexual assault was something that a perp did a few times in his life. After Cosby, Weinstein, etc now see that it’s an actual lifestyle. These creeps are literally preying on people every chance they get.

I remember awhile ago how Spacey had started a theater mentorship program in the Middle East for young actors there and I was so excited. Now, all I wonder is if he was just doing it for a whole new set of victims that don’t have few venues to lodge complaints. I hate thinking like this.