
“If Jesus came back and saw what’s going on in his name, he’d never stop throwing up.”

Welcome. We need more ideas from you.

Congressman Schiff, Ranking Member on Intelligence, is on tonight with a re-broadcast at midnight. I’ve become a little obsessive about trying to get people not to miss the news because none of us can talk to everyone at once.

I used to work retail in a tourist town. The cruise ship people were without exception miserable assholes. Made me want to avoid cruises at all costs.

I gave up driving a stick after living in Seattle and dealing with hills...I developed bursitis in my right shoulder. Now I don’t even have a car and life is so much less stressful.

Oh gosh, no worries! I get that male Jezzies can get side-eyed and I completely understand this. Ive actually backed off commenting on almost all of the regrettably too-frequent harassment posts because I get it that I have no business inserting myself in the dialogue. I post a lot because I genuinely enjoy this

Think of the people who didn’t make it. Where is their god?

You could give them their own blog, a la 500 days of Kristen, or poor Booby having to watch Megyn Kelly every day.

I put the stick in 3rd gear and that moment is permanently burned in my brain, because it was the moment when I realized how very, very wrong I was.

Well stated. Thanks for sharing.

lol cause ppl love to read about it! nevertheless, tomorrow eve I will switch things up

HOW can Selieber be the top of every DB? Almost worse than Karshian kar bombs.

I’ve always loved the distinction between horizontal prayer and vertical prayer.
Horizontal prayer is at others, using Gods name to passive agresively brow beat them and has nothing to do with God and everything to do with letting others know how special you are.
Vertical prayer, is as it sounds, an internal

Every single day now, I wake up with a this panic-ridden thought: move move move move move move move.

Do what’s necessary to take care of yourself.

I’ve also tentatively looked into CBT. Caveat: I’m a microbiologist, and a total hardass about seeing controlled scientific data for treatments. I did the pharmacological thing to get biochemically stable, but I’m not keen on long-term treatment, as the side effects are quite uncool. I’ve been doing great without

Yeah I’ve been having a rough go in finding a therapist who will accept me as a new patient because they’re booked for months on end. It’s hard, so I’m coping by smoking weed to retain my sanity and function as normally as possible.

Now that I read your reply over again, carefully, with a correct idea of what you were saying.....i am thinking CBT ( your meaning) might just be more helpful than another pharmaceutical panacea. Thanks, boo.

LOL. Omg, my response must have been so confusing. They call “cognitive behavioral therapy” “CBT” and my brain just jumped straight there. Haha. Ignore me.

Last week I mentioned moving to my therapist and she said a lot of her clients were voicing the same. The thing is, we all have every right to be in America where we were born and raised as much as these racist, fuckwad bible thumping, villains. But with all this blatant hatred, do we have a country we want to save or