
Meh. Seems like kind of a feudal effort to me.

Kanye West doesn’t care about black people

Can Ann Coulter have children? I always just assumed she was some sort of horrible simulacra being piloted around by a thousand angry scorpions.

you know mimi, because he’s so funky.

General Ripper tried to tell us this 50 years ago but everybody thought he was nuts!

I hope this article is satirical, cause it’s blistering hot garbage.

Maybe they were just trying to give girls a realistic look at what it’s like to be a woman in a STEM field. They did a pretty good job in that regard!

no, six. It mutated and grew an extra one.

Rio Olympics logo: six interlocked ring(worm)s

Counterpoint: lasagne.

Hit up Costco and go drive through Utah throwing free tampons out the window for women everywhere, like modern Johnny Appleseeds. “Jeanne Tampaxseed”.

Temple steps....

I say we go bleed all over the capitol steps.

Not to me it doesn’t.

Regular reminder- Getting kicked out of school is not something you need a jury for. He has done something serious enough to be charged with a crime. You do not have a right to an education at the college of your choosing. The police rarely charge people without mountains of evidence, so right away, the odds are that

So, this isn’t a mural from the Pawnee, IN courthouse?