
Gizmodo buys it for $5000

Well I personally record quick clips of my favorite songs so that I can remember what I saw. It's like a visual journal or notepad. It's just to jog my memory. Or if I hear a song that is really awesome but I don't know what it is I record a clip of it so I can look it up later. (Shazam doesn't really work on

I just did it for the TiVo app but to enter the Media Access Key I need to click on a part of the app outside of the screen. Is there any way to pan? I'm also not sure if this is running at retina resolution because I feel like I should be able to see much more of the iPad screen at the full retina resolution. But I

@Ricorich196: Not much that I have noticed, most of the image processing comes from filters that samsung uses to make the image look "Better", without additional image processing you just get the exact quality produced by the device.

@CleverName: I'm a pretty big disney fan, and have seen both of those movies and can say from experience that they suck terribly and aren't worth even remembering they exists.

@Bluecold: If anyone can find it on youtube I hope you will post it here, I too would like a youtube version. (But so I can download it and add it to my collection, not because I am out of the states).

@Sir Gibler: What Blue dot? Did Giz change the picture? I can't see it.

@Raider1284: Not all applications, only applications that use the native iPhone video player. Things like Netflix and Hulu and other Apps that would be amazing with Airplay support do not, and will not, work under the jailbroken hacks. (Unless they get iOS screen sharing to work somehow)

@WhiskeyTab: Well the iPhone 4 has 802.11n (But its just on 2.4GHz band, not the 5GHz band), so if you have a dual band router it will connect to the 2.4 GHz band which will be 802.11n unless there is another device on the network that is 802.11b/g then the router will downgrade the connection to 802.11b/g on the 2.4

@Sam Randels: Facebook could license it to Apple. Which is I'm sure what will happen.

@Mihos: To me a program is something like Photoshop, and an app is something like iFart.

@vinod1978: My cable company (Cox) charges $7 for the DVR Cable Box rental, and 13 for the DVR Service (Which is bullshit, since there is no service they are providing with the DVR that the other cable boxes don't have, which is the guide data). But honestly, other than that I really do like Cox. And have avoided

@vinod1978: My cable company charges $13+$7 for their Cable DVR rental, I just decided to give up and go for that new deal of the TiVo premiere for $0 and $20 a month for two years. (Even though I have only had my TiVo HD for a year) Same price as the Cable company DVR but a hell of a lot better. Sure it isn't

@kyleshark: You would of made like $.15 if you had done it the old way through a record label. $15 bucks is pretty damn good for only 26 sales.

@FauxReal: I don't remember the specifics of the letter to the labels but it was like something under 3 min would retain a 30 sec preview, and over 3 min would get the new 90 sec preview.

How can you say a cloud based streaming iTunes is very likely!? I mean eventually sure, but the fact that they just updated iTunes last week makes me doubt much more than 90 second song previews. Possible? yes, very likely? No. Also there is no way we will see apple tv iOS apps tomorrow because they would announce an

@Uracil: Well I think we just discovered the origin of its name.

@Slinkytech: All we need is the missing facebook integration, I bet more than the one friend I have on it uses it, but because I can't just use my facebook account to integrate with my friends list I will never know.

Awesome article, I had no idea the greeks had figured it out all that time ago, truly amazing.