
@Nipple Juice: I don't know, this seemed pretty brutally honest to me. I would prefer harsher reviews over gushing reviews any day.

@OrbitalGun: I didn't think the majority of the new Star Wars were very visually innovative or "eye candy" (Sure they were pretty but not stunning, and there was nothing visually original in those films). Speed Racer on the other hand I thought was incredible to watch, one of my favorite underrated films, sure it was

@dixlexxik: 5% of the profits? Thats like nothing, for every $1000 he makes on this thing, he donates $50. He really makes himself seem like a douche.

@Nightshift Nurse: I think what he is saying is that the PSP never achieved the full console experience that Sony hoped for it. Mostly because developers weren't motivated enough to make quality games (I'm not saying there weren't good games, but there just wasn't much variety). I bought a PSP day one, and ended up

@TheHawkMirage: That was the most frustrating game I have ever played, and that is saying a lot since I have played the Atari ET game.

@Raso719: Wait for the next Xbox, they will revisit the idea then, probably in 3D as well. I think its better to wait anyway, the PS2 was underpowered so the jump to PS3 is much bigger than the jump from Xbox to 360.

A better, more accurate, headline would have been: "Sony Kills The Cassette Walkman On The Eve Of The iPod's Birthday"

@t3tsubo: The cracked versions of BiteSMS always were buggy for me, but the more I used the app, the more I couldn't live without it, I finally bit the bullet and purchased it yesterday. And I am glad I did, this is by far the #2 must have app for a jailbroken phone. (#1 being SBsettings).

@Denver: But even TiVo could do it better... No enjoy your tivo, I love mine, but every time I use it, I just know it could be better, and am frustrated that TiVo has become so slow at innovating the box.

@Jonny_eh: Not only that look in the background of the screenshot above, all microsoft products (Office, Xbox, Kinect's) And every time the did a map view of where all the characters were in the episode it had a bing watermark on the map, that was some of the most excessive use of product placement I have ever seen. I

@ElementalDragon: Did that come out?! Ugh these 3D movies disappear so quickly I never get a chance to see them.

@chanmoss: I think this is the best chance they can give this, they need long term hype for this film, they are gonna sell it like its 30ish years of hype nearer to the release. (You will see headlines in disney owned publications like "After 28 years Tron finally returns with a blast!"). As Mixiboi says this is the

@drag: hahahahahahahhahaha

@hanswurst0815: I'M SURE ITS (GOD DAMNIT, whoops), I'm sure it's a hoax, but caps lock does not effect the punctuation or number keys.

@Faxmonkey: I wanted to let you know, I have started to watch this american life, I really like it, I have seen Dexter, Weeds, the IT crowd, The Office, Dr Horrible, all great suggestions. The show I hadn't seen was Party Down, which is no longer on Netflix (Starz canceled it) but I am in love with that show. I

@clR3vv: He died, one of the canisters on his vest exploded when they shot him.

@KingPsyz is not on the recall list: Yeah, my goal is to stay unlimited until we get to a point where unlimited is an option again. I assume that will happen in the 4G era.

@baberim: You can always jailbreak it for that feature. Plus some of the free streaming jailbroken apps.

@Faxmonkey: Yeah they have alot of great content that Hulu Plus is lacking, but I feel like I have watched most of the good stuff already. I still am ocasionally finding an awesome movie that I had wanted to see, or an awesome TV show that I needed to see (Recently discovered and watched Veronica Mars thanks to