
You are...

Let her do whatever she wants so she can sue whoever she wants. Get paid, girl!

She could get pregnant with a black man the old fashioned way. Like in those interracial gangbang creampie videos I've... heard about.

So Chase Culpepper is not a trans, and therefore the SC was not transphobic when he was told to take off his makeup for his driver's license photo?

So transvestites (men who "like to dress in a typically feminine fashion, but they're perfectly happy with their assigned boy parts") is not trans? When did we change this?

You don't have to. Just keep simmering in your class envy and feeling superior. Eventually you'll meet someone worse off than you who envies you and you'll get some perspective.

Don't you mean transgender?

Yeah Pepper13. Why can't you understand that getting his penis cut off and having some hormone treatments makes her just as much a woman as you, and if you don't agree, you're a Nazi?????????? Gah!!!!!!!

You don't understand the PC hierarchy: LGBT issues > racial/ethnic minority issues > women's issues > religious minority issues.

Funniest stuff I have read all week.

Not impressed

You base your claim that dating off of craigslist is safer than conventional dating based on what research?

For some people, no drugs = no fun.

WAY TL; DR because WGAF anyway????

Socialism does work. On a relatively small scale. For a little while. But if it gets too big (China, Soviet Union), too small (various attempts at micro-communes over the years), or too entrenched in power (most labor unions and syndicates worldwide) a socialist system begins to rot from the inside and collapses. It

Men are more likely to be killed by a close acquaintance than a stranger as well. However, prostitutes are a subset of the female population who have historically been easy targets of sadists, homicidal and otherwise. Jack the Ripper, for example.
