
The way you dress has no effect on your identity.

Two corrections:

You're not assuming. You're drawing a conclusion. Unfortunately, the conclusion you draw is contradicted by the story. You quoted an alleged victim as saying:


This is why I have never understood why we have a single income tax rate for the entire country.

That's absolutely right, but it only takes a couple of troublemakers to turn a peaceful protest into something else. After the business you created from scratch gets ransacked and destroyed, it doesn't matter that most of the protesters didn't touch it.

How did they know the autopsy report was going to drop tonight? Had the family or Haden said so? It was only released to the NY Times. Just curious.

I'm wondering the same thing. I thought St Louis County PD had been taken off the job but they're tweeting all over this. St Louis City pulled its officers out early on, so it's not them.

Impossible. Heretofore, the only aggression I have read about on Gawker has been police violence. The police provoke the riots and looting.

Right. The "white anarchists" are a neutral third party in all this — or at least they are while they're throwing Molotov cocktails.

Yeah, but I bet he wasn't fat. That seems to be the point. Fat hero < skinny coward

So this is a call for China, Russia, or the US to sell "smart" missile technology to the Assad regime?

You're not the only one who calls up your sister.

Go away, troll.

I am so happy black people never use racist language at Muslims and whites.

Yes. There have been white DJs accused of racism just for saying the titles of songs.

That's great! Limiting your social circle makes it much easier to be self-righteous. Choose to be around whoever is convenient.

I do troll people. And I do it very well. I often troll people without them even knowing it in the form of sarcastic comments that egotistical PC crusaders cannot help but pounce upon. I might even agree with the PC crusader on the larger point, but I despise their self-righteousness and love exposing it. I think most

I tend to agree about the thicker skin BUT that's not enough. The bottom line is, people don't want to scroll through spam and will just stop coming to the site altogether, and that's bad for business (think: MySpace, 2008). Some of these posts would have dozens of the same horror gif posted over and over and it would

Which means there will be the teachers' pets and then everybody else in the grays.