
What do you have against RuPaul? Are you a transphobe? Burn in hell!

So now everyone is going to be sucking up to editors?

I am skeptical that this will be a satisfactory solution. I think it will render a lot of people's posts as unseen by most and the gore trolls will still get through.

No... Nice try. A typical eurocentric projection. The Japanese class/caste system is nothing like what you seem to think.

I see what you did there

You must be new here. Welcome to Gawker, ShanequaDontLiveHereNoMo.

Exactly. But you will hear "Religion is just a bunch of pedophiles trying to control your life with a bunch of lies" or words to that effect.

Although no one says, "Education is just a bunch of pedophiles trying to control your life with a bunch of lies."

She was both.

"Questionable life decisions"? That's like investing in a timeshare, furnishing your home entirely with Ikea, not getting enough sleep, taking up the bassoon late in life, etc. Roman Polanski allegedly raped a teenage girl and has spent a generation in exile refusing to face the charges. That's much more serious than

She's a celebrity because she's a porn star. Why all the handwringing about this? She's a grown woman. She chose to be a porn actress, stigma or not. If War Machine had not been a celebrity himself and this happened, the headline would be "Porn Star Hospitalized After Attack by Ex." If neither were celebrities it

Because if you're good at what you do, raping a teen shouldn't matter.*

Shhhhhh they're looking for a way to block the conserv— I mean, the trolls.

Yeah, but blocking would enable Gawker to get rid of people like me who don't post rape gifs but who regularly infuriate the PC types, intentionally and unintentionally.

Oh, I assure you they do exist outside of pornography and men's (and women's) fantasies.

You do realize Ward was not killed at a NASCAR event, right?

They planted it. Just like that granny from down South who extorted money from KFC for her granddaughter's plastic surgery.

It's just a place for Beyoncé, Jay-Z and her entourage to live when she records another album there.