Did we really need more evidence that Ecclestone was a real POS?
Did we really need more evidence that Ecclestone was a real POS?
What, we’re going to completely ignore Elon Musk tripling down, now calling the British diver a “child rapist” and claiming he took a 12 year old bride, while offering no proof?
Win by what definition? The Camry can’t hold a candle to the Fusion for handling and dynamics. And the Fusion matches the Camry on reliability according to most every owner survey.
And? The fact that Ford didn’t see the market as worth reentering before doesn’t mean that they’re dragging their feet now.
Yeah - its clear they’re aiming for higher margin only at this point. It’s a hell of a gamble, IMO. I mean, if you had a Civic and you were happy with it, and then decided to go for a compact CUV, the Escape would likely have to present itself as a heck of a lot better than a CR-V to get you to switch.
Europe is getting the facelift the US got last year. It’s incredibly minor, and if it lifts sales at all, European buyers are incredibly shallow.
Umm, the new Ranger was introduced in January at the Detroit Auto show, and they closed down Michigan Assembly in May to start retooling for it. That was before all these product changes were announced. At the time, they said they would start producing the Ranger in late October, and it seems they’re still on track…
People keep forgetting this point. Hell, my parents drive an ‘18 Escape that gets better mileage than my ‘06 Fusion. And that’s before we even talk about the whole hybrid bit.
If a $200/yr difference in fuel price isn’t enough to scare people from a $25k CUV into a $21k sedan, then a $400/yr difference in fuel price…
I can guarantee my Fusion is a better vehicle than the Camry it replaced. Might I like an Accord if I had one? Sure... but that doesn’t mean the Fusion is a “shitty sedan”. In fact, its one of the most reliable out there, AND it has decent handling.
Something is seriously wrong with the data you’re presenting. What’s your source?
You do realize that the Mondeo/Fusion design was done by Ford of Europe, right? It’s a european car that happened to be sold in the US first simply because Ford closed the plant in Belgium they had been building them in, and it took time to retool Valencia.
Ummm, Ford isn’t “hemorrhaging money”. They had net income last quarter of $1.1 billion. They have $9 billion more in cash on hand than they have in debt.
They have problems primarily in China and South America, and to a much lesser extent, Europe, but this is not a company in need of a buyout by any shape of the…
Ford has repeatedly been able to turn the European ship around just like PSA did at Opel. The challenge is to keep the ship pointed in the right direction. Their losses last quarter in Europe were relatively small, and that’s coming off of several years of profits. GM was never in anywhere nearly as good of shape.
When I worked at Ford for several years, there was no such policy. I drove a Toyota in all the time without any grief at all.
I know some people point to the lot at the Ford plant near where I live now and say that’s proof that employees don’t believe in the vehicles. But here’s what they miss: Employees at that…
Ford’s owners are pretty loyal. And there is quite literally nothing the Taurus offers that the Fusion isn’t as good or better at. They’re splitting their market for no good reason.
1st: What does the orangutan-in-chief want? The US to be able to force consumers in Europe to buy our products?
NPR report this morning suggested he wants their gas taxes slashed. Sorry, but we have no $#@ right to tell them to do that. The US simply has no right to tell another country how to tax their economy, or…
Ford is one of the leading sellers of electrified vehicles, though, despite the perception. What they lack is a pure EV or a dedicated model available only as a plugin, like a Volt. Their announced product plan also called for EV and hybrid versions of nearly every model.
You do realize there was the story recently that after an uproar from dealers over the proposed killing of the Fusion, it was reported that they would be keeping the Fusion name and attaching it to a direct competitor for the Subaru Outback, right?
So here’s the good I see in this change -
IF you kill the Taurus and Focus sooner rather than later, you might see Fusion sales pick up enough to justify continuing that model.