
Fleet isn’t the problem you’re making it out to be when it comes to the F-series.  These aren’t rental sales that slaughter resale values and then bring down the retail prices on new ones, like used to happen to the Taurus.  These are commercial and government fleets, where the trucks will be driven into the ground.

“his rationale for the comment was that the union doesn’t allow workers to own stock in the automaker”

This is complete bullshit right here - nothing forbids workers from owning stock in GM or Ford or FCA.

And the unions have held enormous amounts of stock in those makers, too.

Also note that stock options may or may

Actually saw a semi doing this on my commute this morning.....

I think the deficit must be all those avocados for those millenials and their toast...


Meh - it’s certainly defamatory and I think he could take it to court and win. The catch is what are the damages. Because if the crazy billionaire  calls you a pedo and everyone knows he’s out of his mind, the damage done to your reputation is probably minimal, even if the statement is completely defamatory.  At that

You know, Elon, the fact that he hasn’t sued you doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a case. He may simply have judged this as a case where it isn’t worth his time because his reputation hasn’t been tarnished enough because you’ve tarnished your own reputation to the point where no one believes the crap you spewed.

It may be

To demonstrate how far reliability has come:

This publication gives survival rates for cars, from 1975 to 1993 (Table 1). They also provide estimates for newer cars. Based on the 1975 to 1993 model years. The average car then would last a little over 12 years, and if you had an even distribution of sales year to year,

Yep... awfully telling when the odometer doesn’t even go to 6 figures.  

Thanks... I just hope the wording was clear. The TL/DR version is simply: very few cars would actually be subject to this, and nearly all that would be, with the exception of some Nissan models, would be able to avoid the tariffs through minor changes in their supply chain that wouldn’t actually require any wage

Seriously? He’s pushing rampant pollution for the sake of pollution, eliminating environmental protections, eliminating consumer protections, eliminating health care protections, driving the cost of health care up astronomically (after a few years of actual modest increases in cost of providing care), he’s gutting the

The $16/hr is basically an irrelevant number. The preliminary agreement calls for 40-45% of content to come from factories where wages are $16 an hour or higher. Currently assembly wages in mexico average $7.34 per hour and parts plants run $3.41 per hour.

That seems like you’d have to give a huge raise to those

It’s $16 an hour.

It’s also basically an irrelevant number. The preliminary agreement calls for 40-45% of content to come from factories where wages are $16 an hour or higher. Currently assembly wages in mexico average $7.34 per hour and parts plants run $3.41 per hour.

That seems like you’d have to give a huge raise to

The crazy thing is the people who are really deranged about trump are those who think he’s actually doing a decent job and not dragging the country into the toilet.

At least it wasn’t a velvet ant...

And a lot of them are pretty extreme on mileage.

A few years ago, Honda was trying to find million-mile Hondas for a “club” (publicity & advertising stunt).  When they failed to find any, Ford trolled them by finding a small army’s worth of E-series vans near or past a million miles.  There was even one hospital in

When for the same price I could get 11 of these?


Frankfurt area...

Once I figured out that detail, it actually wasn’t a bad car, IMO.  I mean, it was no sports sedan, but it served a great niche like the Mazda5 - a vehicle with tons of space, but that didn’t take up a ton of space.  It would be nice if automakers actually sold something like that in the states.

Craziest I get is an Opel Zafira I rented. Manual transmission - ok, this will be fun, right? Well, I’d never experienced a car with a reverse lockout (not normal in the states) - kept thinking I had it in reverse only to have it jackrabbit forward and stall out. Didn’t touch anything, but got awfully close before

Hey, my last new one was $400 LESS than I could find a 1 year old identically model. No way am I paying more for a car that is older and nearly out of warranty.