Not all states require you to register with a party to vote in the primaries. In fact, my state, Virginia, doesn’t require party membership.
Not all states require you to register with a party to vote in the primaries. In fact, my state, Virginia, doesn’t require party membership.
So few people agree with me on this point, but you’re absolutely right. The people voted him into the nomination. The democratic process actually worked, and it showed us how rotten we really are.
So he got the Regional Dex.
Good to know! Damn, thanks guys!
Well shit, I just found a new Wii U gem to track down! Thanks!!
I will never forgive them for this.
That’s the thing. I feel like they’re still talented and sharp guys, but I don’t think they know what to do with their comic. Mike should work on new art projects and Jerry should finally write a novel. PA is way past its prime.
Goddamn people, the game hasn’t been out a week and all the press has done is complain. I could understand if this was a $40 retail game, but it’s a free app that clearly will be updated and expanded upon (Fairy types and modern stats for Gen I pokes are in there, so Niantic obviously intends to add all 700+). It’s a…
I can understand that. It really set it apart.
Do people really need a story in their Mario platformers? I understand not wanting the same “Peach gets kidnapped” premise that the New SMB games use over and over, but seriously. The story in Mario Galaxy was paper thin, and the second one I thought had too much dialogue. Call me crazy, but I like to boot up a Mario…
Galaxy 2 is regularly regarded as one of the best platformers ever made, if not the best. And I agree. I have no idea what these people are talking about.
Yeah: a port of a Wii game, a port of a PC game, and a like 10 SNES games. It’s hardly rolling in exclusives. There’s not a single unique, original title on there. It doesn’t even have the volume of exclusives the Game Boy Color had over the Game Boy.
People rag on Miyamoto for “hating” story, but the Zelda series, which he has always had a big hand in, is overflowing with story. He asked Capcom to cut back on the story in the Oracle games and those are still very plot-heavy. And the development of those games was troubles because the team worked story first,…
But most dev teams at Nintendo come to Miyamoto for advice. That’s when he suggests drastic changes, such as in the case of Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon.
The New 3DS is to the 3DS what the DSi was to the DS. It’s not a different system, just slightly more powerful. Same OS, same library save for maybe 2 non-VC titles.
Most folks just call it “development hell” until it comes out.
Nintendo’s shoulder buttons are innovative, though. No modern controller has bumpers like that Sega gamepad, but everyone has them positioned like the SNES did.
Yeah, still packed every time I’m online!