
It’s like people don’t seem to realize we can be pissed about rape culture AND racist degradation of infrastructure at the same time. My rage is endless, in the way of right-wing stupidity.

...this may or may not have been the first time I realized that the show’s name was not in fact Second Take.

The movie is a lie anyways. I’ll let someone more qualified than I explain why: didn’t. This isn’t about you. I was talking about the West Wing episode.

“Not happening” refers to Trump being a cunning political strategist rather than a lazy, self-absorbed sack of shit.

This theory reminds me of an episode of West Wing, where Leo running for VP is absolutely bombing during prep. Word gets leaked out to the press, he’s mocked on national TV, and his campaign staff is scrambling for the inevitable crisis when he shits his pants in public as each practice is worse than the last.

I am a casual Cardinals fan who has been rooting for the Cubs to win the Series for a couple decades now. Not because I feel sorry for them, but because I AM SO GODDAMN TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT THE CURSE.

The problem with all you people quoting polls at me are failing to note certain things:

I’m going to disagree with this on the basis that anyone voting for Johnson likely wasn’t voting for Clinton anyways. He’s the GOP’s Stein.

Using baiting or taunting acts or words that engender ill will between teams.

My wife is an alum as well, I’ll have to ask her about her (white) experiences there.

I have to imagine that ECU won’t notice one bit that their game isn’t being broadcast. These contracts are almost always done by the year, not by the game, so if the station isn’t playing a game then that’s their choice to sacrifice their own money. So ECU won’t even “pay” for it; only the radio station will lose

Also, this was the mid-late 80s, so while it’s entirely possible that they’ve always been insufferable I don’t think it was this bad yet.

I’m a Cardinals fan, as much as I’m a fan of any baseball team anymore, because Chicago, Atlanta, and St. Louis were all roughly equally distant to elementary school me in central Tennessee. The tiebreaker was that I ended up on the Cardinals in Little League.


Your statement assumes that the settlers were there legally (or at least not state sponsored), not shipped in as part of a systematic attempt to cleanse Israel of undesirables through a land grab. Your statement assumes that the invading government didn’t bulldoze existing settlements in order to build their own.

The Florida you’re thinking of is primarily north of the I-4 corridor, with the area south of that mainly inflicted with bouts of crazy instead of outright insanity. It’s basically two states here.

Not black, but I came out to my parents as agnostic at around that age. I honestly don’t remember a time when I believed in god - maybe when I was very young, but certainly not as I got older and started thinking more for myself. I’m not an atheist, because I have no proof that there ISN’T a god any more than there IS

Our water delivery infrastructure has a lot of lead in it.

I’m a Bernie supporter who no way in fucking hell would ever vote libertarian.