
“I will continue to stand with the Legislature and the people of Mississippi who do not want their hard-earned money going to the largest abortion provider of underprivileged women’s health services in the nation.”

I have repeatedly tried to explain to people - women and men alike - that men are victims of rape culture too, that toxic masculinity also takes away OUR agency and turns us into little more than leg-humping monkeys.

That’s OK; I’m full-blooded American and I have no idea what’s happening here either.

Judicial recall is a bad idea too; say there’s a controversial murder case which the judge dismisses on proper legal grounds. All of a sudden they’re under attack from voters who want to see the defendant punished and blame the judge for setting them free.

Congratulations on your continued failure at reading comprehension.

Is point 1 “treat Muslims like fucking human beings”? Because if not, 2-5 don’t really matter.

It’s called reading comprehension. I said DISCUSSING the debt doesn’t matter.

Slavery was around with the Founders as well, but I guess our big national sin was outlawing slavery and thus deviating from the Holy Plan our Fathers placed down for us.

$572 billion for defense last year. We could easily spend half of that and still have the most advanced and powerful military in the world. Doing so would require Congressmen to reduce pork, however, and god only knows that kind of courage doesn’t exist in Washington.

If you think government social services are a crutch, much less a cocoon, I have a bridge to sell you.

Yes, discussing the debt is a waste of time. It doesn’t actually matter. It’s the boogeyman Republicans use to justify slashing social services to the bone despite spending continuously impossible amounts on the military.

Most Republicans don’t vote in their best interests, I don’t know why you expect these idiot ”liberal purists” to do it now.

There definitely needs to be a way to remove prosecutors from the political process as well.

It amazes me to no end that SOUTH CAROLINA of all places is one of the few states to do the judiciary right - judges there are nominated by the governor and approved by the legislature, on advice from the State Bar.

In a Facebook thread where I mocked her “credentials” for top executive, I was told that Jill Stein was the only leader who could fix America. In response, I challenged Stein supporters to provide me one specific instance of Stein demonstrating leadership. The answers I got included:

Seriously? Christ. Good luck with that, considering I’m right.

No, it’s not. ALM is an attempt to redirect the conversation and wash away the impact of police brutality on the black community. do realize there are also WOMEN who perpetuate rape culture as well, right? By your definition, that means they can’t be victims of rape culture either.

I hate to do the whole “not all men” bit, but there it is.

There are billboards around Tampa bragging about being a deplorable Trump voter. I think they already know what it looks like.