
To counter that and make you hate life - your educated, well-reasoned vote is being negated by a neck-bearded yokel with a third grade education who lives on disability while screaming about how Mexicans are taking his job and that he’ll shoot any blacks who step foot on his property.

Steroids. I’m referring to steroids.

I imagine myself spitting acid whenever I do that, like a Space Marine, which I know makes me a sad geek but I don’t care.

I admit to not really knowing much about Fernandez. I haven’t cared much about baseball since the strike way back when, and the aftermath learning that the home run chase was rigged. So I watch SC highlights in the mornings as I ready for work.

Derick Rose needs to learn the meaning of the word “no”.

Wooo, snark got me followed! My first!

I think the committee needs to search in these comments for next year’s awards - just look at all the geniuses who don’t get sarcasm.

Please, link us this video proving he has a gun. I’ll wait here.

I fully support this, but only if we can fix the game to end it in a tie and nuke both schools into glass.

I remind people all the time that Bin Laden won the War on Terrorism on 9/11 and continues to win it from his watery grave.


I’m getting really fucking tired of the highest-paid public employees in this country mouthing off about who gets to protest and how they get to protest. We need to stop pretending that they’re working for some kind of private entity and remind them that being paid by the public means you serve at their pleasure.

Incorrect - “to pull a Kaepernick” is a complex predicate.

Stop thinking critically. It’s unAmerican.

I think we should cut off the flow of oxygen to part of your brain and see how well you function afterwards.

“I said, ‘We men. You can assume’” Rose said when asked for clarification. “Like we leaving to go over to someone’s house at 1:00, there’s nothing to talk about. [...] I didn’t quite understand your last answer. You’re going over to a woman house at 1 o’clock in the morning. What else is it to talk about?”

My sense of unity didn’t come until over a week later when Clemson played their next game and I was part of the group collecting donations for the victims’ fund. I felt a little hopeful seeing how many 20s and even 100s were dropped into my bucket.

The previews of this movie felt like what would happen if a basement-dwelling keyboard jockey wrote a movie about himself where he could live every fantasy of being cool and capable, with the hot girlfriend and exciting life. This article sounds like I’m correct.

Tampa’s PD does things like this all the time - “Hey! Look at these officers playing ball with these latchkey kids!” or “Hey, look at this officer helping the old lady get her kitty out of the tree!”

Watching the video requires I listen to Kid Rock. Fuck that, and fuck Kid Rock too.