
That’s alright. The rest of the NFL thinks about your team at most once or twice a year.

That was a reference to the comments section.

I can only imagine the sort of backwoods, tobacco chawing cesspit that place must be.

I’m still new to Tampa (and hate the team for non-rivalry reasons) so I can’t speak much to them, but I never heard of any rivalry for the Panthers. Obviously there was more emphasis on the division opponents, but I always saw that as a playoff picture rather than any actual rivalry.

You missed Cuban bread, Drew. Give me a goddamn proper Tampan Cuban and GTFO. I have a sammich to eat.

Ok, maybe that works in the echo chambers of the cities themselves, where sports radio can inform this sort of thing. But outside the two cities? Who gives a shit?

That’s the mystery of this political campaign, that he feels like he can stand up there and tell people, “I am your voice,” like he’s doing them some honor.

Wait... the Saints and Falcons are rivals? Like, beyond being in the same division? As someone who lived outside Charlotte and now lives outside Tampa, I had no fucking clue. Jesus, that’s just sad. How much rivalry merchandise must go unsold because I bet half their respective fan bases don’t even know?

Ok, this is definitely bad trolling at this point.

You’re really good at this whole sarcasm thing, aren’t you?

You missed two things:

Or they could be a peer resource for the ones having borderline trouble with a subject, allowing the teacher to focus on those having the most trouble comprehending.

My wife, an educational researcher, once wrote an opinion piece in our college newspaper criticizing homeschoolers. This article was backed up with whatever statistics she could cram into the limited word space she was allowed.

Everyone knows communism is just a red herring, which Jason Whitlock finds delicious sauteed up with some butter and garlic.

I feel like “personality” is a bit of a stretch. He’s more of a “Fox Sports semi-sentient pinata”.

Trying to decide if Tebow is telling the truth, or if he (and all these other athletes that have denied the rumors) were planning on speaking and suddenly backed out when the public instantly turned on them. I would assume the former and not the latter, but the GOP’s stupidity during this entire election cycle means I

Welcome to the modern Republican party. Why be firm in your beliefs when you can make more money and hate people?

What do you think the over/under is on RNC speakers who’ve had encounters in the men’s bathroom?

Last night, LeBron called on all professional athletes to help end hate and violence in the country. Thank God Tebow dodged that bullet.