
Yeah, we have no idea what happened and people are freaking out. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Republicans did the same constantly when Obama was in office. Everyone is so dramatic on both sides that it’s hard to know what’s actually going on in there.

“Yet if you did the same thing to an adult, it would be assault.”

open hand spanking =/= hitting.

Reminds me of the last fight I got in. This guy at a bar was looking at me. So I said, “What the fuck you looking at asshole?” He looks at me and says, “Nothing.” I stood up. “Damn right, you better not be.” This guy had no business fucking with a guy like me, so I said, “ You have no business fucking with a guy like

Now playing

Unpopular opinion: These times call for white women to make things right.

A woman I knew had two huge curios full of those creepy-ass Marie Osmond dolls in her foyer. Her husband, meanwhile, had turned himself grey from ingesting silver nitrate as some sort of cure-all.

Didn’t you read the article? You’re wrong either way. If you join, it’s because men always feel free to intrude. If you don’t, it’s because you don’t support women’s rights. You’re a piece of shit either way, so just take the path that’s the least personal inconvenience.

I can’t afford to go to D.C. But I wouldn’t want men there, frankly. Fuck the sausage party. The whole point is to celebrate women’s voices and point of view without having it all fucked up by men. Fuck inclusivity if it’s always one-sided.

I am absolutely not a Trump supporter for the record, I just feel like when you throw unfiltered allegations out there and say “you decide!” to the public you open yourself up to people taking matters in their own hands, like that nutjob who should up at the pizza place with a gun.

You imply that this dossier has ANY evidence of authenticity. There is none. Period. It MAY be 100% true. I have no idea, and neither do you or (it would seem) ANYONE reporting on it. You may as well say “There are reports of invisible trolls conducting mind control experiments on world leaders”... as that statement

I’m also drawing that same parallel. Is it journalism to publish any story, regardless of its veracity, and say, “people are talking about this?” Maybe there’s a subtle difference in the fact that this dossier is being evaluated in high places - as opposed to pizzagate. I agree with Burneko that the press should very

Pizzagate isn’t a fair comparison. The sources for that story were proven authentic emails from Wikileaks that you could read yourself and an FBI notice about the use of code words pizza/pasta/sauce/hotdog/cheese by pedophiles.

I’m not sure how to feel, yet, but one discomfiting thought that keeps coming back is how it feels kind of similar to how right leaning outlets would bring up pizzagate with a sorta “we just don’t know!” hands in the air routine.

Dude, it’s called the “Women’s March on Washington.” I didn’t even know men were invited. I hadn’t checked the Facebook group. I’m supportive of women’s issues, but I’m also aware that men getting involved with women’s groups, without being explicitly invited, is often seen (justifiably) as butting in.

that war was built on lies and bullshit

No, justice would be her serving her time for the crime she fully admitted to committing.

Manning knew what she was doing. She dumped millions of unread intelligence documents, without regard to the safety of people who put their lives at risk to help the United States. It was not an act of a whistle-blower, it was the act of a disgruntled PFC in the Army who was mad her life and career were going nowhere.

This tranny sold America out. She should be forced to use the men’s restroom.

When life gives you Plemmons, make Plemonade is my motto!

Was her life in danger in this situation?