Maybe we can all agree to just abort male babies.
I used to hate johnny depp because all the girls at school loved him. Now that all the girls hate him I kinda like him ; seems more relatable. Your welcome johnny.
It’s almost over, it’s like the class in college where the professor just keeps droning on and on with self-righteousness, piousness and smugness for hours. And now you’re looking at your watch and your like it’s almost over, I almost made it, I will soon not have to listen to the professor explain the world to me…
I’m going to be honest, Ive never heard of this person until yesterday. your last two comments are like Chinese to me, I have no idea who topper is or what DV means ( I assume its Domestic Violence but it could mean dumb vocabulary). Thank you for providing this info. Her life seems confusing and…
Wow I guess they were what right about the pussy pass. Now I know what to do if I’m ever convicted of treason. If only Benedict Arnold chopped his balls off.
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the… “Oh my fucking God what the hell is wrong with this Dolls face, please Burn and bury this under the ocean so it doesn’t haunt my dreams forever.”
They were going to do a show about the young muhammed but the studio head got axed in production.
Whenever I see the name Tinsley Mortimer I just think of an old wall street investment banker . Probably because I’ve seen trading places to many times.
There has been a record high in murders because the police have stopped policing these areas and the gangs do what they want , its not worth it for the cops; they don’t want to be charged with abuse or accused of racism.
Thirteen days : the Lena Dunham menses crisis
Frédéric Prinz von Asshat : ashes to zsa-zsa and zsa-zsa to dust, It is my urn, it’s my wife’s urn and I’ll do what I want I must .
I don’t know this shirt might be handy for other uses. Like when your friend wants you to be in their bridal party but you don’t want the hassle, just show up with your “Not this white woman” shirt to the rehearsal dinner. Or when your husband/ Boyfriend is in the mood and you defiantly are not,…
Trey Wingo sounds like a character in the new star wars.
This is like when your significant other gets and invite for a party with their name on it and your like I guess I wasn’t invited. So then later the person who sent the invite comes over and your talking about the party and is like your coming to the party right and your like I didn’t think I was…
Kirsten Dunst and Jessie Plemons baby is going to have the biggest head ever. It will be the size of sputnik. He’ll be crying himself to sleep , on his huge pillow. I’m not kidding, it’s going to be like an orange on a toothpick.