
The only thing she should ask forgiveness for is wearing that dress. Hey Yo.

Bat mitzvah always sounded like it had something to do with batman to me. Like batman saved the stolen dreidel’s and chocolate coins from the evil clutches of the penguin ; Its a mitzvah a bat mitzvah !!! What a a super mensch.

I don’t want to watch a viceland show on Diplo’s life.

Love that reverse racism from Popeye’s.

The smoking man? Hmmm .

So basically january jones son is going to cry when his friends make fun of him for throwing like a girl.

How you gonna be “ gays are perverted”  then be like “watch me on Ellen tommorrow”. thats like me saying “I can’t stand black people check me out at showtime at the apollo friday night”.

For my next poem:

Oh refugee your just like me

“handstands with Hilaria Baldwin.” should be a new show were she interviews various celebrity wives (or husbands) while (you guessed it) their upside down, what ?!?! or perhaps they can lip sych battle while doing headstands, Huh ?!?!!

Can we get a 50 shade darker court ruling on the this article.

What about this:

I can’t stand it I know ABC planned it
But I’m gonna set it straight, this Carey-gate
I can’t stand Dick Clarks new years rocking eve when I’m in there
Because your New years ball ain’t so New years clear
So while you sit back and wonder why
I got this fucking dancer by my side.

I would choose drakes over a million dollars right now. I haven’t eaten anything today and i’m starving , there so delicious and so fragile.

I would like to introduce you to a guaranteed detoxification regiment its called the purification rundown and , oh your nicole kidman never mind.

this is getting redick.

Glad to see this guy finally get knocked out, he was always such a dirty fighter. I’ve been waiting for years watching all his terrible fights, if you can call them that, just him holding and fouling. Was worth the wait. Hopefully Floyd comes out of retirement soon so he will be also be to old to

Better start getting your abortions now before its to late.